Chapter 23- Shoto vs Kiriko

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Waking up the next morning kiriko got ready for class. She popped some toast into the toaster. While taking a banana out of the fruit bowl and peeling it before putting it on the cutting board and cutting it. "Your cutting your banana just to eat it?" Shoto asked rubbing his eyes. "Yet I'm the baby" Bakugo said lifting the trash from the bin. As if on time her toast popped up and she placed them in the plate turning back to Shoto. "Their for my toast kiriko said rolling her eyes "that's a weird combo.." he said watching as she turned for the cabinets. "Not just banana's but peanut butter as well they all just complement eachother" kiriko said. While spreading the peanut butter and placing the bananas. " try one" she said slicing one in half and lifting it to todoroki. He took it taking a bite. "Your right..where did you get this idea from?" Shoto said "i remember begging my mother for a banana before breakfast and just tasting the two together" she explained. "Here have the rest. "Kiriko offered handing him the other half. "Here Bakugo have this one" kiriko said sliding it towards him. "I don't need your damn hand outs" Bakugo said "try it, if you hate it just throw it away" She said grabbing her bag and rushing out.

Entering the class kiriko went up to Mina and momo who stood around mono's seat. "Hey you" kiriko said tapping on mina. "Hi" she said turning to kiriko. "Momo yauorozu is also here" she said looking at kiriko "I was getting there" kiriko said smiling at Momo.

A laugh sounded from behind her that sounded oh too familiar. She turned to see midoriya laughing at Koda and Kirishima's joke. "Midoriya" kiriko said making the 3 turn their heads toward kiriko and blush and get weirded out. "Oh hi—kiriko" midoriya said "I completely forgot you came back today" she said approaching him. "Y-yeah I'm here" he said it not knowing what to say. "How is that shoot style coming along?" She asked "oh well it's coming along great actually, these new boots I got prepared for me a while back seem to come in handy, they work spectacular yet it's still a pretty difficult not being able to use my arms-" midoriya said rambling on and on about his new boots causing everyone to daze out. "Yeah..uh huh...seems like you got it all figured out" she said as he still rambled.

Watching from a distance Uraraka turned to toru, Jiro and asui who also watched the scene. She placed her head down getting all gloomy. "What's with the face?" Jiro asked "do you guys think she hates me?" Uraraka asked. "Kiriko? Not at all" asui said in her frog like accent. "Yeah just because you guys aren't that close doesn't mean she hates you it just means she doesn't" toru said hearing what she said. "So she hates me.." uraraka said putting her head down. "Listen up class" Aizawa spoke. "We have guest speakers today, there here to answer your questions regarding the hero-work studies" Aizawa said.

Nejire, Mirio, And Tamaki, famous third years entered the room some enthusiastic the other on verge of leaving.

Mirio decides to teach Class 1-A through experience and fights almost the entire class by himself. Mirio dominates them and explains how the Hero Work-Studies helped him improve to become the best student at U.A. High.

After class midoriya tapped on kiriko's shoulder as she put her notebook in her backpack. "Where do you plan to do your work study?" He asked "I have provisionals remember?" She asked putting her backpack on her shoulder "oh you remember anything from the first round yet?" He asked "'s like my memory was erased"

They walked beside each other to the dorms. "What about you? Do you have an idea of where you'd like to go?" She asked "not really... I hope to find one soon though" "well I have to train for my provisionals see you around" "see you around"

She ran off into the trees finding a good area to practice. She placed her backpack against a tree and stood in the middle of the trees. "Ok kiriko you've furthered your let's do wind" she said to herself. Taking a breath and closing her eyes she tried lifting herself but fell forward. She gave it a shot several times and fell over. Trying one more time she fell backwards and was caught by shoto todoroki. "Thanks" she dusted herself off before facing him. "What are you doing here icy hot?" She asked "you to huh?" "Sorry it has a nice ring to it when it's not coming from Bakugo's mouth" she said shrugging. "I came to see if you wanted to train before the provisionals tomorrow" "your really serious about this lisence huh shoto?" She asked "yes it is important that I receive it" "sure we can train" she said taking stance. "We haven't discussed what we're working on yet" "it's common since, we should focus on facing villains that have quirks that my cancel out or deflect our quirks "My wind and water is equal to your fire and ice. If I'm not precise on how I use it than that can give you an advantage"  she explained. "I is not a great place for this battle..." he said making kiriko look confused.

They approached endeavor's hero agency with their bags in hand. "You've got to be kidding me" kiriko said with a disgusted look. "I hate the idea as well but I'd rather not destroy the school" "fine" she responded following shoto into the building. "It looks busy in here" She said making her way behind shoto. He opened the excessively large door. Making endeavor look up. "Shoto? Komori?" He said looking surprised. "I need a favor" shoto said with an emotionless look. Endeavor raised a brow before shoto continued. "We need a training ground to train with" "what happened to the school ground?" He answered with a question "we want to be able to train at our  fullest strength" kiriko said making endeavor look over at her. "I see...And you two plan on battling?" "That obvious huh?" Kiriko said cutting her eye "I'll escort you to the train ground. He said standing from his chair. As he walked behind the two he placed his hand on kiriko's shoulder stopping her. A couple steps later shoto turned to see the two. "Kiriko...I would like to apologize to you for my crucial actions toward you and nico-" "-and hawks" kiriko said cutting him off "and hawks who I've recently found myself growing fast companions with" endeavor said "The training ground please" She said catching up with shoto walking pass him.

Arriving at the large training ground they all took in the area. "Have at it" endeavor stood at the top of a close building watching the two. Kiriko grinned before turning to liquid an dissolving herself into the ground then shooting ice spears from out of the ground at shoto who hopped up last minute landing near by sending fire towards the ice. Endeavor watched as kiriko took form again coming up from the ground. "Shoto!" Endeavor called distracting him. He looked at Endeavor then behind him as kiriko who roundhouse kicked him sending him flying. "How-" Endeavor said. "I thought he left.." Shoto thought as he dodged a ice spear shooting at him. "I have to get close" he said as he got an idea. Sliding up sum ice to catch some height he jumped down to her as she pushed him away with wind he placed a block of ice behind him and one infront of him blocking the wind from pushing him further but as he put it up he realized that the wind pressure didn't break through his ice as usual. As he caught his breath with his back to the block of ice behind him kiriko's arms formed out of the block grabbing shoto and holding him tight. He aimed his hand at the block of ice shattering it as her hands dissolved away. She formed across the field from him as he panted from exhaustion. He ran towards her waiting to be pulled from behind again and lifted his hand shooting a large gust of fire towards her. As she stood up shoto stood infront of her with his back to her front and used his left arm to wrap around her neck and fliping her over his shoulder. Thinking he had won shoto caught his breath walking away. "Shoto!" Endeavor shouted again as a warning. Kiriko lunged up from the ground uppercutting him. Making him fly and fall backwards. Having to get herself together again she finally stood straight up. "I won't be able to use my water in this state" she thought to herself as she ran to shoto, he used his fire to keep her at a distance. She used her wind to maneuver it as they fought a hand to hand combat kiriko dodged fire strikes and ice until she was wasting energy fighting a useless fight. Getting an idea kiriko shot into the air spinning rapidly as she shot hands first down at shoto like a drill. "That move! It's just like that bakugo's finishing move against shoto at the sports festival!" Endeavor said to himself shocked. He dodged it as she drilled into the floor causing a hole to form. She used that as a distraction and used water one last time to move under shoto's feet and grabbed him by his ankles. As she shot out the ground and into the air, reforming her body one part at a time as she resurfaced. She held shoto by his legs in mid air as she tossed him up and shot even further up above her and gave him one last powerful kick. "MIZU FALL" Kiriko shouted kicking shoto down onto the ground causing a big explosion. Endeavor joined them on the training ground trying to see through the dust. Kiriko stood over a hole in the floor where shoto laid. She helped him out of it walking towards Endeavor. "Where did you get such training" i studied other hero's in my free time and trained to use my quirks at their fullest extent before studying how to use them at the same time" kiriko said walking pass him. Endeavor gave them a ride to the school right before curfew. Once they reached the dorm building shoto removed himself from Kiriko. "I got it from here" he said leaning into the rail? "You sure?" "I'm fine" he replied making his way up the stairs and to his dorm. Hearing a twig snap kiriko turned to the sound to see bakugo returning from throwing out his last trash bag before bed. "Who kicked your ass?" He asked "I- I was training" she replied "looks like you didn't do so well" he said with slight grumpiness. "You'd be surprised...—" she mumbled looking at him. "—today's your last day on house arrest?" She asked "yeah and it's 8 so if you have trash do it yourself" he said brushing pass her heading into the building. She went upstairs and took a hot shower before going to bed.

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