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"What do you mean no quirk?" Kiriko said "I was born quirkless" Kazuki said calmly. "How did you make it into a hero school without a quirk?" Shoto asked. "I just trained until I was able to fight and I didn't let me not having a quirk stop me from being a hero" Kazuki said taking a sip of his drink. "And you survived all of the test Shiketsu threw at you?" Momo asked "yeah pretty easy if you asked me" Kazuki said "yeah right, how does a clothes stealing loser like you breeze through test with out a quirk? You had to barely pass just like deku" bakugo said with no remorse. "Bakugo-" kiriko started but was cut off by Kazuki. "By working my ass off day and night, how does someone with a quirk like you still come second to some one like 'deku'?" Kazuki said "I've always been in head of him even at the sports festival" bakugo said "You didn't battle midoriya now did you? He battled shoto" Kazuki continued. "Shoto lost to me as well so if deku couldn't take down shoto what makes you think he could come close to beating me?" Bakugo said "because they were both learning to use their new quirks like shoto's other half" Kazuki said "tuh...I will beat shoto and deku any about you and me battle it out" bakugo said standing up angrily. "If your not going to cry when you get your ass handed to you before you've gotten to lay a hit-" "Stop" kiriko said holding Kazuki back and shoto holding bakugo back. "Get your damn hands off me icy hot" bakugo said trying to get to Kazuki. "You outside" kiriko said leading Kazuki outside. "You just had to provoke him?" Kiriko said "what?! He came at me first?" Kazuki said shocked with his hands out. "That's bakugo he always has something to say" kiriko said "Well I had and something to say back...I hope all of you don't kiss his ass everytime he steps out of line" Kazuki said sitting on the step. "We just ignore him we don't let his irrelevant comments get to us" kiriko said leaning on the pillar. "I don't tolerate being disrespected" Kazuki said staring off. "Well get used to it" kiriko said " there's nothing to get used to..he better get used to me" Kazuki said "boys..." kiriko said rolling her eyes and turning to the door. "What does that mean?!" He asked turning to face her. "That your all the same these days" "and how is that?" He asked standing up and approaching her. "Childish and small tempered" kiriko said "how am I childish?" He asked "instead of ignoring childish ways you respond childish" kiriko said "no it's teaching him a lesson" he said "no its called stooping to his level, grow up" "I am grown" "yeah right because holding up my underwear is so adultish?"kiriko said with a cocked eyebrow and crossed arms. "Hey" He said opening his arms wide as if surrendering. "Don't hate the player hate the game" he said with a cheesy smirk. She shoved him being he was already in her personal bubble and made him trip back and catch himself on the pillar. "When I said I wouldn't tolerate any disrespect that's including you putting your hands on me" "i don't tolerate disrespect either like stealing my underwear" she said "actually I didn't steal it you dropped it" He said "same difference" she said smirking as she went into the dorm building. He watched her go into the dorm as the door closed behind her his phone began to ring. "It's only my second day what could you possibly want?" Kazuki said "Just seeing how well your first day was" a childish voice said jokingly on the other side of the phone. "Have you met the target?" Tomura said playing with a glass sitting on the bar. "Yeah just had a conversation with her actually, you just missed her" Kazuki said "we don't have time for games we need as much intel on her as possible so don't pull another stunt like earlier..we need her to like you not despise you" tomura said "yeah I don't think that's a problem anymore" Kazuki said with a smirk looking back at the dorm door"good seems like you have anything under control" "of course, do you know who your talking to?" Kazuki said "sure whatever"
Tomura said before hanging up.

Kiriko brushed her teeth before leaving the bathroom. "So your friends with the new dork too?" Bakugo asked leaned against the wall scaring her again. "Stop doing that, and what are you talking about?" Kiriko said looking confused. "I saw you with him after you walked him outside?" Bakugo said. "So what? You didn't like that I called all boys childish? Or short tempered? Because you are and he's right I'm not going to tolerate your bad mouth either...and your the worst of all too? Why'd you provoke him? Jealous? We know that you like being number one but picking on someone quirkless? I can let deku slide but he's can't stand that their accomplishing things without a quirk and here you are with a powerful quirk and on the same level as these quirkless people. I understand that I'm one of your closest friends but one good conversation with the new boy doesn't mean I enjoy spending time with him more than have no place to be mad at me for making friends" kiriko said standing infront of an emotionless bakugo. "I don't care if you make friends" "then why are you so bothered by him" kiriko asked "I don't like him" "You dont like anyone why is he different?" Kiriko asked "he's suspicious" bakugo said with no change in emotion. "Ridiculous" kiriko roller her eyes and walked down to her dorm room. As if on cue the elevator rung and Kazuki walked out spotting bakugo making eye contact. Kazuki laughter before entering his dorm.

(Bakugo x OC) Beauty & The Beast (Working on Revamp)Where stories live. Discover now