Part25: New student

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On the ride home as if meant to be there was a villain attack that the three stopped. Once they arrived at the dorms class 1-A students were grouped in the living room talking up a storm. "We're back" shoto said letting it be known. "Hey guys! How was it did you pass?" Kirishima asked with a spikey smile. "Of course we did" bakugo said. Kiriko watched as the students separated and someone stood up. Bakugo noticed and not long after shoto. "Who the hell is that?" Bakugo asked. "Kazuki Takahashi" Kazuki said approaching bakugo with his hand out. "Bakugo looked down at his hand and back at Kazuki who's attention turned to kiriko who took his hand instead. "komori kiriko" she said with a friendly smile. "I'm shoto-" "I know who you are...son of endeavor" Kazuki said cutting shoto off. "I'm a transfer student, I recently moved from Otheon I was originally in Shiketsu high school. My mom spoke to U.A's principal nezu and he decided to allow me a spot at your school in class 1-A" Kazuki said to the three. "Come eat dinner we just prepared it" Mina said happily "I'm going to bed" bakugo said heading upstairs. "How about you shoto?" Kirishima asked "sure" "kiriko?" Kirishima asked with a raised brow "Not tonight..I had a pretty big breakfast.." kiriko said going upstairs. Everyone watched as she walked upstairs including Kazuki.

"You didn't eat breakfast" bakugo said in the dark hall leaned against the wall with his arms crossed and one leg propped up on the wall. Kiriko jumped from being caught off guard. "Wow I didn't notice?" She said rolling her eyes. "Why'd you lie?" He asked not moving from his position. "None of your business dekugo" kiriko said with a sly look. Once she looked forward she tripped over the hall's carpet that folded under her foot. Before thinking to use her quirk, bakugo caught her by the back of her shirt leaving her hanging inches away from the floor. "Watch where your going you damn nerd" bakugo said setting her up straight and walking away.

"We love a good weekend" kiriko said sitting up in bed. She grabbed her laundry and headed out to shower. Kiriko waited on the elevator when it opened she bumped into Kazuki who's laundry basket dropped from his hands. "Sorry I didn't see you...??" Kazuki said waiting on a name. "Kiriko...and I bet you didn't " she said standing up and grabbing her clothes that also dropped. He held his hand out to her but she ignored it and stood up herself. "Bye" He said as she pressed the button to the elevator closing infront of him. "Idiot" Kazuki said to himself walking to his dorm room. Bakugo watched from down the hall before continuing about his day.

Kiriko sat her clothes down and got into the shower. Aft er her shower kiriko wrapped herself in her towel and went to put her clothes on. As she unfolded her shirt it dropped longer than her usual size and she spotted an endeavor designed shirt. She rolled held the shirt tight in her hand heading for the door. She stormed out the bathroom and with dripping blue hair. She stepped into the elevator and pressed the button to the first floor. When the door opened kazuki stood on the other side of the door. "Looking for these?" Kazuki said holding them up with several class 1-A students watching. She punched him sending him into the sofa. She approached him taking her clothes and walking back into the elevator holding her towel together. "What about my-" before he could finish his sentence she threw his clothes at him.

The class stared at the two in silence meanwhile mineta and kaminari caught nose bleeds and passed out from just seeing her in a towel. "Girou roller her eyes at the two. "Perverts" she said getting up and stepping over them.

Later that day kiriko trained with Mina and the other girls. After hours of training they sat down in the grass gossiping. "Hey were did the others go?" Mina asked "something with their hero work studies...seemed regent they needed all of them" kiriko said leaned back on her arms with her legs kicked out, moving her head side to side with her eyes shut. "I hope everything's fine" momo said. "Yeah me too..." Mina said concerned "what about Kazuki?" Momo said "what about him?" Kiriko said leaning her head up and opening her eyes. "What do you think of him?" Momo continued. "I don't care for him" kiriko said closing her eyes and relaxing back on her arms. "Why not?" Mina asked "is that really a question? He held my underwear up infront of half the class" kiriko said rolling her eyes before shutting them again. "Maybe...but it was a joke, he's actually really nice when you get to know him" Mina said "sure,I'll take your word on that one"
"He's pretty fit too" Momo added "yeah they must really work their behinds off at Shiketsu" Momo said "yeah their like a military school hard to get into too" kiriko said. "Does any of you know his quirk?" Momo asked making kiriko sit up and Mina think. "No" kiriko and Mina said at the same time. "It has to be really powerful" Mina said "or he has to be very skilled with it" kiriko added. "Well whatever it is I'm going to find out" Mina said. "Wait you can't just ask him-" kiriko said getting up after Mina. "Why not it's not like I'm asking his age" Mina said "wait-" kiriko followed Mina the whole way to the dorms where shoto and Kazuki stood in the kitchen while bakugo watched tv on the sofa. "Hey Takahashi whats your quirk" Mina said standing pretty close. "Mina" kiriko said pulling her a bit. "She's alright, ...I don't have any" Kazuki said making everyone stop and look at him.

(Bakugo x OC) Beauty & The Beast (Working on Revamp)Where stories live. Discover now