Part30: Escaped

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"Everyone in position?" Hawks asked standing outside of the large building. "We're ready" endeavor said as hawks walked into the building placing his ear piece on mute. "Unexpected visitor" Spiner said cutting off Dabi who turned to hawks who waved with a smile. "If it isn't the traitor...we didn't schedule to meet today?" Dabi said with his hands deep into his pockets. "Yeah I know but I've been doing a bunch of lame hero work all day I just thought I'd stop by" Hawks said taking a seat in a beanbag chair. "Is that right?" He said walking over to him. "Spiner go check on that test dummy for me would you?" Dabi asked "why won't you?" He questioned "Shigaraki asked me a while ago it just slipped my mind and now I have company so would you do me a solid and check on her?" He asked sarcastically. "It's fine I'll walk you" Hawks said walking to Spiner. "Ugh really..fine and while your at it bring her something to snack on" Dabi said leaning into his bean bag. "Sure thing"

Once they reached the room Spiner opened the door to a dark room. The only light that peaked through was the light from the moon that snuck from behind the long dark curtains. Hawks stood by the door holding the food tray as Spiner made his way to kiriko. "Wake up!" He said kicking the chair. "She lifted her head meeting his eyes as he ripped the tape from her mouth making her grunt. "Hey wings! scared to get close? She doesn't bite" Spiner said untying one hand. Hawks placed the tray on her lap trying to keep his cool.


"What's taking this man so long" rock lock said loudly into his ear piece. "A plan like this takes longer than a regular mission" endeavor said in the bushes.

Kiriko ate as hawks and Spiner made conversation. "Isn't that her water?" Hawks asked "yeah so? Her quirk practically revolves around water I wouldn't want to take any chances..." spiner said "has the drug worn off on her?" Hawks asked "she hasn't made any moves so I'm assuming it hasn't" spiner said taking a sip of the water before dropping the glass. Hawks immediately looked over at kiriko who made a quick motion to the wall sending hawks into it. Making tomura and Dabi look up at the ceiling and run towards the stairs. Spiner squeezed his eyes shut as he held his throat. Hawks took the time to use a feather and cut the ropes on her legs and wrist. She stood up weekly but quickly got herself together picking up the chair and weakly but surely tossing it at the window shattering it. She turned to hear footsteps and quickly jumped out of the window attempting to use her wind quirk but was drained from using it already. She began falling mid air.

"Huh?" Endeavor looked up at the sound of glass shattering to see her falling. "I have eyes on komori!" He said flying over and catching her. "What should we do should we move in?" Miriko said "G-" "No!'ll ruin his plans" kiriko said opening her eyes. "Stand down...Hawks orders"

Dabi bursted through the door seeing spiner coughing on his knees. "What happened?!" Dabi asked as tomura picked hawks up by his shirt and lifted him against the wall with his glove covered hands. "What'd you do?!" He asked angrily. Hawks waving his hands with a nervous expression and nervous smile. "He didn't do it" spiner said coughing. "The drug wore off and she caught us off guard" spiner explain making tomura growl in anger and slam his hand into the wall close to hawks face. "Everyone get out of my sight" Tomura said releasing hawks. He walked to the broken window and stood in the opening feeling someone approach him. Dabi stood beside him looking down at the view as well. "I thought I said leave me alone?" Tomura said "when do I ever really listen to you?" Dabi said "So...what do you think happened?" Dabi asked tomura. "We only free one hand when it's time to feed...this is only the 3rd would take some time to free herself, we would have gotten here on time" tomura said "so we have us a traitor" Dabi said smirking and looking down.

Hawks landed infront of his yard entering his home. He walked to the bedroom past saori's room and into his. Nico looked up at hawks who was still fully dressed. "Hm? What are you still doing up?" Hawks asked. "I was waiting for you" She said as he sat beside her what happen. "This is great we're in this together no matter what" Hawks said picking her up and spinning her around before setting her down on her feet. "Woah sorry I forgot about the blood thing" he said setting her on the bed. "What about kiriko...did you all find her...?" Nico asked "She's safe...but..."

Dabi stood at a far distance watching hawks and Nico's black figures. "Looks like we found our culprit" he said with a smirk.

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