Part27:School Festival

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After the battle against overhaul U.A. was holding its annual School Festival and Class 1-A is deciding to perform a dance with a live band in the hopes to ease the public's doubt of their worth. At the same time, Izuku works to get Eri to smile with the performance from his class. A gentleman and his partner, however, plan to make their mark on history with U.A. and the School Festival as their target.

"Bakugo on the drums is something I thought I'd never see" kiriko said biting into an apple while laid out on the couch with her head cocked up on Mina's lap as she played with her hair. "What about you what group you apart of?" Kazuki asked approaching the living area. "Special effects, you know dancing and singing aren't my element-" kiriko said taking another bite "-you?" She asked "you know I have to show off my moves" Kazuki answered making kiriko lean her head up to look at Mina who stopped and looked at her and they started laughing. "Wowwww your just going to laugh like I'm not standing here?" Kazuki said "What moves?" Kiriko asked as he took a seat in the single chair. "You know I got a little something up my sleeve, nothing too fancy but you know" he said shrugging it off. "Ok then show us" Mina said. "Huh?" He asked knowing he heard right. "You heard her show us what dance moves you claim to have" kiriko said sitting up. "Alright watch out because now your trying to make me seem like I'm a liar or something" he stood up and adjusted his shoulders and before he could finish the first dance move they were laughing. "Bye" he walked off finding someone else to talk to. "Hey kiriko!" Kirishima said calling from the kitchen. "Mind going to grab some gun powder for the explosion effects?" He asked "sure why not" kiriko said getting up.

"I'm heading to get new rope since the old one is pretty worn out we can go together if you'd like?" Midoriya said "nah I'm fine" kiriko said turning to the door. "O-oh yeah ok" Izuku said kind of embarrassed "I'm kidding midoriya let's go" kiriko said smirking back at him.

"Are you excited for today?" Kiriko asked "of course! I'm more excited to finally see eri smile" Izuku said with more enthusiasm than intended. "She's in need of a good time" kiriko said "what about you are you excited too?" He asked. "Sure you can say that, Its nice to have events like this every once in a while" "exactly" he agreed. "It was nice talking to you again, we haven't spoke in a are you holding up?" She asked "well...I've been gaining a lot more control over my quirk it's finally seeming more like my own" he said "that's what we like to hear" kiriko said giving him a closed eye smile before going into the store. They searched for what they needed for a good second before kiriko realized there wasn't any gunpowder in there. "Hey midoriya I'm going to go to the other store a little further down I don't see any in this one. "Oh ok" midoriya siad looking back at the shelf. Kiriko went into the other store further down and searched for the gunpowder before asking the guy up front who gave her some.

Once she paid she left the store to see midoriya chasing two villains. "I'll let the others know he had to handle somethin-" kiriko said but didn't finish her sentence as she felt a sting in her neck. She feels her neck and pulls out a red weird shaped bullet. She then looks into the alley way and spots a blow flame and piercing blue eyes. "I think it's time for our rematch you?" Dabi said with an evil smirk. "Can't live with one loss huh? Is it because I'm a girl? Or a kid?" Kiriko asked getting in a ready position. "Let's make this quick I'm busy" kiriko said "if you insist. Dabi threw a flame at kiriko who tried to deflect it with her wind but it didn't work. She dodged last minute shocked that her quirk wasn't working. "What did you do to me?" Kiriko asked "I gave you something that would block your quirk...I'm a villain you couldn't have expected me to play nice" he said before throwing more flames that she dodged while she could until one landed sending her into a dumpster denting it. Dabi approached her and lifted her up by the neck strangling her mid air. "You better be grateful that it's me and not shigaraki, or else you wouldn't have a neck. She head butted him making him mad. "You don't learn do you" He said throwing her into the brick wall behind them denting that as well. She sat beat on the floor still conscious. He lifted her up again by the neck making her hold his wrist with both hands in attempt to get free. "My turn" he head butted her knocking her out.

Back at UA

After midoriya beat the villain and his apprentice he made it just in time to the performance. "Where's kiriko?" Kirishima asked "she went to a different store because the first one didn't have any and I had to handle something so I assumed she would beat me here. "Well the flames may not be as big but their definitely going to be something. "Move it!" Bakugo said putting some of his sweat into the explosions. "That should work better than more gun powder" bakugo said taking his place behind the drums.

They continued the performance without kiriko who was took back to the league of villains hideout where she was strapped to a chair.

After the performance Mina stood next to the cotton candy wondering. "What's up Mina how's it going?" Kirishima asked. "It's fun but...I'm worried about kiriko" she admitted. "She's going to show up sooner or later don't worry she can protect herself, she's one of the strongest females I've ever met" Kirishima said clenching his fist. "I know so" he continued "your right! Let's go see the pageant" she pulled Kirishima into the crowd. Watching the girls strut down the stage.

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