Chapter 13- Broken Frames

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Arriving at their home Mitsuki checked her rear view to see a sleeping kiriko. "Looks like she's had a long day" Mitsuki said making Bakugo turn his head and look at her from the rear view. "Yeah...she has been sleep all day" Bakugo said turning his head back out the window. "Wel you guys were up a bit late after the sports event. "I don't think it's that" Bakugo said "Seems like it...she doesn't seem to be sleeping peacefully that's for sure" Mitsuki said undoing her seatbelt and exiting the car. "Hey get up we're here" Bakugo said in a grumpy tone knocking on the window waking her up. "Yes fathe-" kiriko stopped mid sentence as bakugo looked at her with a raised brow. "U-..uh...Bakugo" She said unbuckling her seatbelt and getting out the car holding her backpack with one strap following the two. "Entering their home kiriko kicked her shoes of by the door and set her backpack on the hanger and standing in the middle of the floor. "Hello there" Masaru said with a friendly smile from the sofa. "U-uh Hi" Kiriko said with a lost look but managed to smile. "Oh yeah hun this is Komori Kiriko I don't think you two have fully met" Mitsuki said from the kitchen in bagging groceries. "Yes I've heard of you, uh and your performance at the sports festival was fantastic sucks you for fitted seems as if you had that fight in the bag" he said with a generous smile. "Uh yeah about that, I'd just rather have not seen a disappointed look on her face...she's so lively I'd hate to see it all fade because of me" kiriko said rubbing her arm. "Completely understand just promise me not to take it that easy on old Katsuki here" Masaru said rubbing bakugo's head who seemed angry as usual. "You got it" She said with a still embarrassing smile. Katsuki walked into his room down the hall leaving Kiriko suspicious. Falling him down the hall she turned into the halls bathroom. Closing the door and running water and rinsing her face. Looking up at her reflection she spotted small bags under her eyes. Leaving the bathroom she couldn't help but look over at a cracked door with a skull implanted onto the face of it along with other signs such as the 'KEEP OUT' sign and explosion stickers. Entering the room kiriko watched Bakugo from behind as he played a fighting game on his gaming console and mashed the buttons on his controller. Slowly approaching him and when she reached him placing a hand on his controller causing him to scream. Removing his hand Bakugo shouted "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU KŌIMUSHI" "What?" "You can't just walk into people room like that?!" Bakugo said. "Just getting pay back for when you scared me yesterday" Kiriko said with a smirk. Making Bakugo grit his teeth setting the game aside. "Little Katsuki" Kiriko said picking up the picture frame at Katsuki and his parents.

 "Little Katsuki" Kiriko said picking up the picture frame at Katsuki and his parents

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"Hey! Put that down!" Bakugo said snatching it from her and slamming it down. Hearing a shatter. Lifting it up Bakugo looked at the shattered frame. "I-" "get out..." Bakugo said in a soft but rude tone ever. "Hey you can't blame that on
me-" "DAMMIT I SAID GET OUT" Bakugo said  only centimeters away from her face. "..." Staring at each other for seconds before kiriko's eyes watered and she brushed pass him with a mean look. Kiriko stood in-front of her bag and wiping her tears with her sleeve. "Hey I was wondering if you wanted to have sup-" Mitsuki started but stopping noticing Kiriko. "No thanks-" Kiriko said grabbing her bag and placing her shoes on leaving. Mitsuki looked to the hall where Bakugo leaned against the door frame with one foot up against the wall and his head tilted down making his eyes disappear.

(Bakugo x OC) Beauty & The Beast (Working on Revamp)Where stories live. Discover now