Chapter 3- Reassurance

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I woke up to little Saori sitting on top of me with her rumi doll "CAN YOU TELL ME NOW PLEASEEEE CAN YOU?! CAN YOU?! CAN YOU?!" Saori said "In a minute let me get dressed I'll meet you in ten" I said making Saori leave the room in a giffy. I got up dragging myself to the dining table. "DID YOU BEAT THE BAD GUYS?!" Saori asked hyperly "Of course they were a breeze I placed 2nd on the leader board" I earned a proud look from mom "aww...who was first?" Saori asked "The boy who saved me from the villain Miriko fought" "The cute one?!" Rumi asked with the widest grin "No I never said that" I responded tickling her. "Could I go out into the city with you today?" Saori said frowning. Not today I'm going to train but I promise to bring you back something special with the couple of yen I earned. "YAYYYYY" Saori said. I smirked poking her head and getting prepared before leaving into the city. Stopping to get my favorite sweet from a cafe I spotted a couple of kids from the entrance exams one had red hair the other dude looked like a bird and the other guy with red and white hair. The shirtless one with full red hair made eye contact with me and smiled shouting over to me "Hey you with the blue hair Kiriko isn't it? Come take a seat!" I decided to take a seat next to him sitting across the quiet one with the red and white hair. "You were amazing wasn't she Tokoyami?" The one with the red hair said I glanced over at Tomoyami. "Powerful indeed...I haven't seen a wind quirk as powerful as that since thee blue breeze" "Yes...he was my father" I said in a calm tone "NO WAY THEE BLUE BREEZE WAS YOUR FATHER?!?!!" The red haired boy said shouting. "Once you take a good look it's almost obvious" Tokoyami said in a calm voice. "My father always pushed harder when it came to your father, he tried to be better than him at everything...but always came second place to your's sad what happened to him" the red and white haired boy said with no emotions whats so ever. "And what's that supposed to mean?" I said with a tone of anger "Nothing...I'd love to see my father lose for a change" He said standing leaving the cafe. "Hey where you going Todoroki?!" The red haired boy shouted "Is he always like that" I asked "Mostly" the red head kid answered "oh you must have came in here for a bite to eat, I'm Kirishima, your meals on me" he said with a smile 'I could get used to this' I thought ordering from the menu.

*1/2 an hour later...
"I should go, I have to stop by the grocery store" I said standing up "Of course we all have things to do" Both Kirishima and Tokoyami stood following me out the cafe. I bumped shoulders with bakugo who seemed to be walking the sidewalk towards the cafe himself. we both looked over our shoulder to see who we bumped. "Sorry about that dekugo" I said with a closed eye smile. "WHY YOU LITTLE!!!— COME BACK HERE DAMMIT!!" Bakugo tried charging me but was held back my Tokoyami and Kirishima who used their quirks to keep him at bay. I began running waving back at Tokoyami & Kirishima.

Once I reached the grocery store I grabbed a basket and began grabbing a couple of produce for mom. As I looked at a couple of canned goods an old man in a large white colored shirt, oversized pants, blonde hair and small blue eyes reached for a can on a higher shelf and tipped the can over dropping all of his groceries in his arms. I caught his groceries in mid air causing the old man to look over at me. "There you go" I said "Thank you young lady" the old man said to me picking each item back up into his arms. "No problem here why don't you take my basket" "No I'm fine you keep it" The old man refused. "No I insist, I don't have much to grab" I took my couple of groceries out handing him the basket and walking out the isle. "Wait! Since you don't have much please allow me to pay" the old man said "it's fine you don't have to-" "I insist" the old man said cutting me off "...ok" I slowly responded checking out with the old man after parting ways with him. "Thanks again..?" "Komori Kiriko" I answered "Young Komori" the old man said waving goodbye

As I walked the path home during sunset I saw a figure under the street light heading towards me he didn't seem to be looking forward but down at his feet with his hoodie placed on. I began getting suspicious as he got closer. He walked pass me but soon turned back which made me assume he was a villain, so I turned kicking him in the chest thinking he was going to attack me from the back. "What was that for?" He said holding his stomach attempting to stand up. "Sorry Izuku I thought you were a villain" I said helping him up "it's fine I'm lucky it was a normal kick and not your quirk" Izuku said rubbing his head "So where are you heading?" Izuku asked me "heading home" I answered "oh uh..ok don't want to keep you too long then" he said nervously walking away  "eh I could use the company" i said. He turned with a slight grin and a small blush. "You coming Midoriya?" I asked walking away "oh uh y-yeah" he answered flushed from my jester.

*The walk home
"What's bothering you?" I asked Izuku "O-oh..uh nothing really...?" He answered looking up "really because to me it looks as if you haven't left your room in days?" "Well I've been a bit depressed about the ua entrance exam results" he answered "Don't worry there's no way they can look at your punch and decide not to let you in..well not through my eyes at least" I said reassuring him "I hope everyone could see from behind your's been my dream even before I found out I di-..did my hardest during training just to miss out on one day of training..." Izuku said looking up hoping his story sold. "That's understandable...I haven't stopped training since my father passed"

Being it was a harsh topic Midoriya refrained from speaking until the thickness in the air died down..."Oh..uh-" "Yes?" I asked Izuku who seemed to be trying to say something "well...I never caught your name back at the uhm..beach?" He said looking down "It's kiriko...kiriko Komori"I answered with a small grin. "So tell me about yourself what do you like?" I asked "Uh well it's a bit weird but I like heroes" "Not weird at all I love keeping up with heroes my dad is my favorite superhero behind All Might" I said "No kidding.." Izuku said getting quiet. "WAIT YOU LIKE ALL MIGHT?!?!!?!!!" We both shout to each other "I love him he stopped a villain and saved hundreds of people by himself!!" "Not to mention he has had the best track records since forever!" I said. We both started laughing and approached my house. "You know...your all right Midoriya" I said chuckling giving him a smile. "Guess this is it" he said looking up at my home with the porch light on. "Yup this is me...See you at school" I said going up the steps. "Wait you got in?!" He asked shocked "of course not its only been a day.. but I have a feeling we both made it" he smiled looking down as I opened the front door. I stood at the door thinking for a moment before dashing to the desk and trashing the place looking for a pen. Once I found one I darted outside. "Midoriya!" I shouted jogging up to the boy. "Yes?" He said turning to face me "Here" I grabbed his hand and wrote down my phone number "just in case we don't get in keep in contact" "uh yeah sure" he said looking down at his hand. "Keep your head up kid both of our dreams will come true" i said using the tips of my fingers to lift his chin moving his head up making eye contact with him and his jaded green eyes. I poked his head with two fingers like I do with Saori and headed back in

Izuku stood watching as she ran inside "yeah...both of our dreams" he looked down at his hand once again before walking off

As I entered the house and turned to face other than the door my mom and Saori stood before me with wide grins "Is that the cute boy from the romantic beachhhhh???" Saori asked with a knowingly look "No it's the regular boy from the regular beach" I stated walking into my room and closing the door. I could hear my mom and little Saori cheering in the other room. I smiled at their little gesture and got ready for bed. lying awake I stared a over at my All Might poster pinned on the wall above my desk. "Keep your head up Izuku"

(Bakugo x OC) Beauty & The Beast (Working on Revamp)Where stories live. Discover now