Provisionals Retakes

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Kiriko was woken up by a light knocking on her door. "Move it icy hot we don't have time for this" bakugo said to shoot as he shoved him out the way and pounded on her door. Kiriko fell out of bed quickly getting on her feet and opening the door. "Get dressed before were let koimushi" bakugo said cutting his eyes and putting his hands into his pockets before walking away. "You have 3 minutes before our rides here" shoto said looking down at his watch before following bakugo.

She closed her door and got dressed before heading downstairs and catching up with bakugo and shoto who walked alongside all might. "Your coming too old man?" She asked "yes I had the day off and thought why not" he answered

Once they arrived they were greeted by endeavor who awaited their arrival. "I didn't know endeavor would be here?" Kiriko said lifting a brow "yeah...that makes two of us" bakugo said grumpily as they both looked at shoto who ignored them and walked towards endeavor. "Whatever" bakugo said walking away from kiriko who turned her attention to camie. She caught up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder getting her attention. "Hey,camie right? Have you been able to wrap your head around what happened here at the provisionals?" Kiriko asked "no not really... I remember waking up and not knowing where I was...I do remember fighting this strange person he...he licked my blood off of the blade he used" she said "so you battled him too huh... his quirk must have something to do with blood...but that doesn't explain why we don't remember anything after that battle...-" Kiriko said being lost in thought. "Well my classmates said I was acting strange in the other rounds but I only remember the first round..." camie said putting a finger on her chin thinking of ways to make it make sense. "What if when he took our blood he gained control over our bodies and minds" Camie said "I thought that too but it wouldn't explain how we advanced to the following rounds... if he needed a spot for himself why help us advance?" Kiriko asked "..maybe he felt bad?" Camie suggested "no it had to be deeper than that...-" kiriko said being snapped out of her thought by shoto. "Komori were going" he said. "I'll look into it more later"  she said following the crowd.

Small children from Masegaki Primary School flood the gymnasium excited to meet real heroes. They're mostly disappointed with the students, who fail to make good impressions from the start. The kids find Katsuki scary and Shoto boring. Inasa's too distracted by Endeavor in the crowd and the kids dogpile him for ignoring them. Camie makes a good impression on the boys with her appearance while kiriko wins them over with both looks and her blue hair but the little girls dislike both of them for it.
The girls in the class continue to ignore Camie while Inasa and Shoto are ransacked by the precious brats.

Present Mic's "M.C. Soul" gets the best of him so he leaves the stands takes Yokumiru's mic to start commentating on the event. The kids start to play rough and steals Katsuki's Grenadier Bracers from him. "You damn brats I'm going to kill you!" Bakugo shouted but was stopped my kiriko who held him back. "Their just kids their not worth it" "I don't care! Disrespectful brats!!" bakugo shouted. "Yeah listen to your ugly blue haired girlfriend" one kid shouted making kiriko stop "Yeah she kinda looks like a beluga whale" another child shouted. "I'm going to murder them!!!" Kiriko said charging towards them with devilish eyes bakugo watched from a distance with a smirk as shoto froze her with only her head free. "We can't kill these kids" shoto said "fine.." kiriko said taking a breath. "Now she really looks like a whale" the one with spikey hair said "she's a blue haired freak" one said making others laugh at his remark. Kiriko turned red all over making the ice melt off of her. The kids got scared and began backing away. "I'll show you a blue haired freak!!!" Kiriko said lifting both hands sending them into the air. She grinned evilly as they screamed. " let them down komori" shoto said "sure" she said dropping her hands and walking away. Shoto caught them with ice making a slide down. The kids rubbles into each other laughing. Which shoto doesn't notice because he was busy scolding kiriko who sat alongside with camie.

The troubled brats notice the four students talking and decide to attack using their own powerful Quirks. Katsuki is excited by the prospect, the four students activate their Quirks and accept the young children's challenge.
The children attack with Binging Ball, Assault Dust, Tongue Tank, Queen Beam, and many more Quirks. The trainees with Gang Orca notice the other students in trouble. Gang Orca reminds them that real Heroes would overcome this situation. The four heroes in training emerge from the assault unscathed, having protected themselves with their own powerful Quirks.

Katsuki is irritated the kids would attack unprovoked. Shoto adds the kids have no consideration for their elders. Inasa is simply worried about getting along better with the children. The brat's leader tries to get the kids to attack again, but Camie distracts a little girl with an illusion of Shoto. "Hey...Wow, you have such a beautiful face...don't let that frown spoil thee effect" shoto said making the girl stare at him in awe before disappearing in front of her eyes revealing camie. "Sorry huh, just a little illusion for you...wouldn't it be like so swoony tho? Our school is mega old fashion and doesn't even allow us to go on dates. Ugh it's just the worst" cami said taking a seat next to kiriko. They watched as bakugo laughed and mimicked shoto. "Was it really that funny?" Shoto said as bakugo continued laughing. "You have such a beautiful face my darling" bakugo said before bursting out in laughs again. "Let's try the other way"

Suddenly, Inasa lifts a few kids into the air and Shoto adds his frozen touch to create a beautiful playground of all the children to enjoy. The kids are surprised the teenager's Quirks can produce something amazing. Shoto gives credit to the children's splendid Quirks for being the base of the playground. He lines the remaining kids up to participate while Seiji and Present Mic comment on the accomplishment.

Katsuki forces the brat's leader to join in on the fun. The child resists at first, but Katsuki surprises him with advice not to look down on others. These words came from Katsuki's heart, so they resonate with the young boy.
"Didn't take you as a children's person" kiriko said with a smirk. "I'm not I hate them" bakugo said "sure you do" "what are you trying to call me a liar?!" Bakugo said clenching his fist "if the shoe fits" before she could end the sentence fully bakugo charged at her making her jump up and fly over the slides. Bakugo's ballast caused one of the slides to break before a child went completely down it. Shoot fixed it in time catching the child. "Be careful bakugo" shoto shouted. "Yeah yeah" bakugo said looking back at shoto and once he turned to watch where he was going he flew into a slide and began falling mid air. She caught him her wind and put him down safe. "Might want to put some ice on that" she said this time running towards the exit.

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