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"WHAT TYPE OF FLOWER SHOP DOESN'T HAVE ANY ROSES?!?!!" Bakugo shouted in the floral arranger's face. "For the last time this isn't a flower shop we're just a small shop that sells a variety of things. "It's fine we'll take these" shoto said grabbing a thing of Camellias and handing them to the arranger. "Of course" the man said taking the yen from shoto nervously because of bakugo's glare. "I DON'T NEED YOUR DAMN ASSISTANCE ICY HOT!!" Bakugo shouted as he snatched the flowers from him walking out. "He seems a lot more on edge today" shoto said with a blank stare. "Nahhh bakubro's always like that...come on let's get going" Kirishima said with his arm around shotos shoulder as he patted his back following bakugo out the door.

The three grouped with, All Might, Aizawa and Mina in front of Hozu General Hospital to visit kiriko. "I didn't know we were bringing gifts" All Might said rubbing the back of his neck. "We weren't but bakugo insiste-" "SHUT YOU DAMN MOUTH RACOON EYES!!" Bakugo said to Mina.

They all went inside making their way to kiriko's room. "That's all for today get some rest" Tsukauchi said closing his note pad. Both endeavor and Tsukauchi looked to the door at All Might and the others. "All Might" Ysukauchi said going to shake All Might's hand. "Ysukauchi what are you doing here?" All might asked "You know, we're here for information on the league that she may have picked up while in their custody" he said "any luck?" "no not really she seemed to be passed out most of the time but we do have the name of who they seemed to be waiting on" Ysukauchi said "Well?" "We can discuss this another time" he said "Sure I'll come with you down to the office" All might said "I'll be leaving too" endeavor said looking at shoto before following the two out. Aizawa took the time to make his way to kiriko's side. "How are you feeling?" He asked with a smug look. "Better now that I had a good meal" "and your wounds?" "Their better actually" kiriko said "call me if you need anything" aizawa said stepping away letting her friends speak. "How are you?" Mina said pretty close to her. "I'm fine Mina..really" kiriko said slowly moving her away. "Sorry I just feel bad for not knowing you were missing sooner, I knew something was off when midoriya came back by himself but Kirishima made everything seem normal" Mina said "it's alright I'm ok now Mina" "can I get you anything?" Mina asked "I'm pretty thirsty actually" kiriko said sitting up. "I'll be back" Mina said standing and turning to Kirishima and shoto who had a conversation. Kirishima smiled awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. "Mina..." Kirishima said as she pouted and walked out the door. "Hey! That's not fair!" Kirishima said following her out of the room. "Shoto... your father wants a word with you" Aizawa said holding the room door open. "Give a sec" Shoto said walking to kiriko and handing her a gift bag. "Here" He said before walking to the door closing it behind him and aizawa.

Kiriko looked up from the bag and placed it on the end table before turning to bakugo who sat with his head propped up on his hand. "That for me?" Kiriko asked making him look at her. "Take it" He said handing her the flowers. "Wishing you a speedy and full recovery, hoping you get well soon" kiriko said reading it out loud. "Half the school's name is on it, that many had to take some time" "yeah whatever" he said turning the other way. "Kazuki...Do you like him?" Bakugo asked not moving. "Why you jealous?" "Nothing forget it" bakugo said gritting his teeth. "If you have to know.. I don't, I just don't hate the guy" kiriko said "it's fine to be jealous" she continued. "IM NOT JEALOUS!!" Bakugo shouted standing up. "Well what do you want to call it?" She asked "I WAS ASKING A QUESTION DAMMIT" bakugo shouted getting closer now shouting in her face. "you asked because your jealous" "HA! Why would I be jealous of some quirkless idiot?!" Bakugo said

"Because you can't stand seeing me with him" she said smelling her flowers. "And why would I care about what you do?" "Because" kiriko said shifting herself to the left side of her medical bed. "And what gave you that idea?" Bakugo said with his hands in his pockets standing infront of kiriko. "Just a theory" She said standing up holding her iv. "You didn't deny it yet so I'm assuming I'm right" "So what if you were?" Bakugo questioned not moving away from her. " I'd hope i am" kiriko said taking a step further leaning into bakugo who slid his right hand onto her lower hip. They were stopped by Kazuki entering the room. "WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING HERE?!!" Bakugo shouted. "Am I interrupting something between you two love birds?" Kazuki said sarcastically. "Your right dekugo I hate him too" kiriko said taking a seat on the edge of her bed. "Aww you don't mean that, Sorry I was late I ran into a villain attack" Kazuki said "you have your provisionals?" Bakugo asked "yeah, feels good to be able to help out every once in a while" Kazuki said

Meanwhile kiriko took the syringe off of the metal platter that was used for her daily dose of medication and slid it behind her back. "Anyways, here nothing too fancy but balloons is all I could do" Kazuki said reaching his hand out. "Thank you" kiriko said reaching her arms out for a hug making bakugo mad. As he went in she slowly took the syringe and aimed for his neck. He stopped her hand before the needle stuck him and pulled away from her holding her wrist tightly. "Was my acting that bad?" He asked "more like lying" she said grunting after from the pain in her wrist. "What gave me away?" "The provisionals is only taken twice a year, and I was there both times, we would've known you and being your a first year, that's the only time you could have took it.... I had my suspicions when you claimed to hear me say I'm tired but that's a mistake anyone could have made but our classmates were the only ones who knew I left with midoriya to the store and I know my friends they wouldn't do anything like that" kiriko said straining in his grasp. "LET HER GO!!!" Bakugo shouted sparking up his hands but was stopped by kiriko who held a hand his way stopping him with her wind. "Don't attack, we don't know what else he's hiding, he might actually have a quirk" kiriko said "Smart" Kazuki said smirking as he crushed her wrist. She let go of her grip on bakugo and held her wrist as Kazuki bursted through the window. "I'LL KILL YOU!!" Bakugo said following him out the window as Kazuki landed on a car and hopped off taking off again.

(Bakugo x OC) Beauty & The Beast (Working on Revamp)Where stories live. Discover now