Chapter 7- Bullies

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Dropping Kiriko off nico headed to the elementary to drop off Saori. "Do you have your lunch Saori" nico asked watching her from the rear view mirror. "Yes ma'am" she said opening the door and closing it..."she ran into the elementary and put her backpack on the hook and took a seat next to two had a cat quirk and looked similar to a cat and the other looked normal besides having one red ponytail.

"Alright guys make a group of three and go around introducing yourself" Ms.Leslie said stapling the papers on the board.

Saori smiled and looked over at the two who sat at her table. "Hey can I be in your grou-" "ew go away we don't hang with weirdos" The girl with the red hair said looking disgusted along with the cat. Saori looked down at her Mirko shirk she was wearing and back up at the two girls. "Grow up" the one with the red hair said. "Mroww!" The cat girl scowled at little Saori making her step back a bit and fall on her butt. She watched as they walked away and stood up sitting on the number carpet facing the corner.

Ms.Leslie watched as everyone conversated and spotted Saori in the corner by herself so she approached her and from over her shoulder she watched as Saori held the doll in her hand looking down and mumbling words to herself. "I can be a hero...I-I can be mom..a-and dad..." Saori said wiping her tears with her forearm. "Saori..." "I'm fine.." "you sure?" Ms.Leslie asked touching her shoulder but pulling her hand back when Saori nodded repeatedly hiding her face into her knees. Ms.Leslie looked back at the two girls who giggled at Saori. "Hey, I think your shirt is beautiful..." Ms.Leslie said "Your just saying that..." Saori said not moving an inch. "Really..She's my favorite hero" Leslie said waiting for a response "...What's your favorite thing about her?" Saori asked still closed up "her Luna Fall is great, you know I watched her use it against someone once" Ms.Leslie said "REALLY DID SHE CAPTURE THE BAD GUY!?" Saori asked turning to her with a smile. "Yup and she helped me with my groceries" Leslie said wiping Saori's tears "Aww my sister met her there too.." Saori said putting her head down "how about every grocery trip you force them to take you too" Leslie said getting closer to whisper "I heard she patrols that area" She said jumping back once Saori popped up "REALLY?!" "Yup." Leslie said smiling

As time flew by nico picked Saori up  after a couple kids got picked up. "Bye ms Leslie" Saori said "please call me Sarah" Leslie said smiling as Saori jumped into nico's arms. "How was your day?" Nico asked "Great!" Saori said waving to Sarah.

As they approached home Saori got out of the car and tossed her backpack to the side and began coloring her and rumi with matching outfits on a piece of paper while laying on the floor. "Little Saori please remove your shoes and bathe while I get supper ready... "Yes mother" Saori said removing her shoes then going to bathe after finding her clothes. While making her ramen with rice rolls on the side someone began knocking on her door. She looked out the window before removing her apron and opening the door. "Hawks? Rumi?!" Nico said with a surprised look "Surprise!" Hawks said with a wide exaggerated smile "What are you doing here how did you know where I lived" nico asked curiously "Well bird brain over here couldn't get over your lunch date-" "How could I forget the red car from the attack the other day?" Hawks said placing his hand over rumi's mouth cutting her off. Nico lifted an eye staring behind him at the house across the street that was the exact same. He turned to see and faces nico again "lucky guess...uh can we come in?" Hawks said with a guilty smile still holding rumi's mouth. "Uh yeah sure" nico said turning and entering the house. As soon as nico's back was turned rumi' kicked hawks into the bushes off of the porch. Nico turned to rumi who smiled secretively. "Where's hawks?" "Oh he went to get himself together" rumi said "o-oh ok" nico answered entering the kitchen to finish cooking. Rumi glanced around at the small shoes by the door and the backpack and then she admired the drawing that was obviously her "What's with the photo?" Rumi asked picking it up and glancing at it. "It's my youngest daughter she loves you more than she proably loves me" nico giggled to herself "Rumi looked more at the photo looking up from the drawing she seen Saori standing holding her Mirko doll with her mouth wide open. The Mirko doll fell from her hand as she stood there. "Don't just stand there little Saori say hi" Nico giggled to herself. "H-hi there l- li-ttle Saori" Rumi said nervously not knowing how to act "Hi!" "Uh...hi" "DO YOU LIKE MY DRAWING?!, It's me and you we have super cute outfits on! See there's the villain we took down!!!!" Saori shouted pointing at the picture in her hand. "That's nice..." Rumi said looking at the picture with a confused face. "No no u-uh it's nice" rumi said faking a smile. "Do you want to draw with me?" "Uh-" She would love to while me and your mother go discuss grownup things" Hawks said smiling at Saori making rumi glare at him. "H-huh what-" "it's fine Mirko can watch little Saori while me and you catch up" Hawks said placing his hands on her shoulder pushing her out the door while removing her apron. "I- ok..there's ramen on the stove and rice rolls on the side" nico said being pushed by hawks "Wha-" Rumi said as the door shut cutting her off.

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