Chapter 17- Camp

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After the crazy experience at the mall class 1-A loaded the buses for camp. "Find a seat you'll enjoy because shou will be there for the next couple of hours" Aizawa said taking his seat in the front of the bus. Everyone trie speaking to kiriko but she was either quick or didn't speak at all. Kiriko took her seat at the back of the bus staring out of the window. Feeling someone sit next to her kiriko looked up to see todoroki who ignored her gaze. "If you ever need to talk im here.." Todoroki said leaving it there. Sooner or later Bakugo took a seat next to kiriko as soon as Aizawa' she eyes shut. "Bak-" "shut it nerd let me ride in piece" Bakugo said turning his head. Sooner or later Izuku sat next to todoroki on the right and Kirishima sat next to Bakugo who sat on the left and next thing she knew ida sat along side Izuku and Kaminari joined Kirishima's side. Aizawa woke up to every student shoved into the back to make kiriko comfortable. He made eye contact with the kids before turning back sleeping. Slowly everyone drifted off to sleep with kiriko leaning on Bakugo's shoulder. Bakugo leaning on top of her head. Todoroki's head began leaning on her shoulder but as soon as it touched Aizawa called to the children. "Alright...we're here" he said stepping off of the bus.

Suddenly, two females wearing cat-like costumes and a small boy appear. The females excitedly introduce themselves as the professional Hero Team, The Pussycats. The brown-haired female explains to Class 1-A that they will be staying at the base of a mountain which is a part of their domain; they have three hours to reach the base of the mountain using their Quirks as they please and those who don't arrive there by 12:30 pm won't be served lunch. Soon, Class 1-A realizes that they have already arrived at their destination and their training camp has already begun with the Pussycats being their supervisors. Some of Class 1-A try to leave, but Pixie-Bob uses her Quirk to create a landslide of dirt that causes Class 1-A to fall into a forest called The Beast's Forest, which they must traverse to reach their destination. Suddenly, Class 1-A are confronted by a beast. Koji tries using his Quirk to control the beast but it does not work due to the beast being made out of the dirt. Izuku, Shoto, Tenya and Katsuki mobilize and use their Quirks to destroy the clay beast.

The black haired female notes that the training camp he has organized has been well thought out. Shota attributes it to the fact that the increased number of villains has forced the first years to take the accelerated year course (usually reserved for second years) so that they have the skills and knowledge to fend for themselves. Shota lets the Pussycats handle the beginning portion of Class 1-A's training camp and leaves. The Pussycats decide to head back to the mountain base, however, the small boy is unenthusiastic.[2]

After Izuku, Tenya, Shoto, and Katsuki destroy the dirt beast, Class 1-A begins traversing the Beast's Forest. However, the journey through the forest to the cabin takes around about eight hours. Class 1-A arrive at the facility, battered and tired. It is now 5:20 pm in the evening. Pixie-Bob admits that she thought they would take longer to get to the facility. She praises Class 1-A for figuring out her Earth Beasts quickly and easily. Pixie-Bob then commends Izuku, Tenya, Shoto, and Katsuki for taking quick action against one of her Earth Beasts and concludes that they have experienced action against villains. "I don't know wether it's disturbing or adorable" kiriko said looking confused "the cat lady sped over to Kirko. "Jealous?" She asked "Being there reactions no not really..." kiriko said keeping intense eye contact. "EEEEE I LIKE HER SHE'S BOLD" the cat lady said pulling her into a head lock.

"Sorry she's in her mating years" her sister said. "Speaking of age-" Izuku started but was cut off by the cat covering his mouth. "Choose your words wisely" she said "no I was just going to ask how old is he" Izuku asked

Izuku went to introduce himself to the little boy making punch him in his crotch. "I don't associate myself with wanna be hero's" Kota said walking away. "Kids got spunk" Bakugo said with a satisfied smirk. "He's just like you" Todoroki says "WHAT?!-" "Your right similar it's almost scary" kiriko said following the others into the cafeteria. She could hear Bakugo fussing from behind her.

Everyone stuffed their faces with the meal the Pussycats prepared for them. "Are you not hungry?" Mina asked kiriko "with my quirk I'm more dehydrated than hungry" "your quirk never fails to surprise me" Momo said. "Being hydrated allows me to produce my own water as well...feels good not having to manipulate todoroki's ice 24/7" kiriko said. "I don't know I kinda like how well you and his quirk compliment each other" Mina said eatting more rice. "It's nice knowing I have someone that can help me thrive in battles...I wonder how he was able to produce ice right from his body that early..." kiriko asked herself. "Well his father is endeavor" Mina stated. "Yeah theirs no doubt his training was rough" Momo said "but isn't his mother someplace else? How could endeavor have taught him to use his ice if Shoto refuses to use his fire?" Mina asked "my point exactly...he has to be self taught or he has someone else with a similar quirk..." kiriko said going deeper into thoughts "I have an older brother and sister who also has ice quirks.." Todoroki said scaring the 3. "Sorry..I was curious" Kirko said nervously. "I can see why" Shoto said "They must be very excelled...wish I had that type of training" kiriko said "I must work on improving my training and skills at this camp event...but I don't mind giving you some lessons later in the near future" Todoroki said walking away with his tray. The three watched as he left the cafeteria. "I'm going to head to bed we have early training tomorrow" kiriko said dumping her tray and finding her way to her room. "Walking passed Aizawa who played cards with class b's teacher kiriko followed the room numbers to see bakugo leaned against a wall. Not sure wether to speak or not, kiriko walked past him only getting a side eye until he gripped her wrist. "It's rude not to speak...". Bakugo said "didn't know what to don't look like you want to be bothered" kiriko said facing him. " 'hi? Hello Bakugo how was your day?" He said "wouldn't your response be 'shut up Kōimushi!' 'Move out of the way Komori!'?" Kiriko asked "YOU DONT THINK I CAN BE NICE?" Bakugo shouted "I don't think nice can be you" kiriko said smirking "I can be nice!" Bakugo said "sure Katsuki" Kiriko said walking into her room next door to his.

The next day class 1-A trained to their furthest extent. After training at their fullest potential. "What is this?!" Kiriko asked approaching a culinary area. "As I said in the beginning your all going to have to start cooking yourselves" the cat lady said "where do you even start?" Mina asked.

Everyone began preparing their meals one by one while kiriko stood over her stove looking lost. 'Momo and todoroki seem to have the hang of this...I don't even have a useful quirk when it comes to this...' Kirko thought to herself "need help?" Todoroki asked with a flame in his palm. " thanks" he moved to the next person. "I can't keep depending on todoroki's quirks" kiriko thought to herself. Using water provided by the Pussycats Kirko placed it into a pot manipulating the water causing it to boil. She cut some peppers and other herbs and slid them into the pot with her noodles. After a unique cooking session everyone ate their curry as kiriko made two pretty bowls of her ramen. Taking one over to Bakugo who sat alone she took a seat next to him. "I don't need your hand outs Dammit..." Bakugo mumbled. "I know you don't need them I want you to take them" kiriko said making him take it. She took her chopsticks taking a bite out of the steaming ramen.

The next morning Aizawa took Mina, Kirishima, Kaminari, & zero to train with him and NAME. To train somewhere else. Somewhere else kiriko trained alongside todoroki and Bakugo.

(Bakugo x OC) Beauty & The Beast (Working on Revamp)Where stories live. Discover now