Chapter 8- Villain Attack

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After the news break of All Might that he would be teaching at U.A. High School, the press crowds the entrance to the school in search of an interview from the ultra-popular pro hero. Tomura hides behind the crowd and eventually destroys the school's defense system. This allows the media to get onto school grounds, forcing the alarms to sound and panic erupts among the students.
Tomura uses the opportunity and steals an itinerary for Class 1-A and discovers that All Might will be teaching alongside Thirteen and Eraser Head at an outside facility. The League of Villains gather dozens of petty villains in anticipation of a chance to kill All Might. The following day, Shota Aizawa takes Class 1-A to the U.S.J. for specialized rescue training with Thirteen. All Might overused his power that morning and is unable to attend the training.

Just before the training is set to begin, the League of Villains invades the U.S.J. using Kurogiri's Warp Gate Quirk.

After being separated by the villains Tsuyu saved Izuku from being attacked by a villain. And grouped up with me and Mineta. "We have to find a way off this boat before it sinks, we have an advantage being they haven't identified our quirks" "They put me in the water where my quirk works best" Tsuyu said "Always finding a way to make me use my quirk huh dad?" I mumbled to myself. "Well these balls on my head can stick to anything" Mineta finished up saying as Izuku planned how to use all of our quirks together. "Listen up" Midoriya said taking charge gathering us together. Once we all understood i used my wind quirk to carry us off the boat as Mineta threw purple balls from off of his head sticking the villains together as I used my water quirk to make a whirl pool capture them. As we glided in the air I felt the air compressor fade as we began falling. "WERE NOT GONNA MAKE IT!" Mineta yelled clanging onto me. Tsuyu leaped onto the land and used her tongue to pull us in. We all landed on each other with Mineta hanging over the water. I sat up looking down at midoriya who had a bright red face looking very uncomfortable. "Sorry about that midoriya I said leaning up but not moving fully as a villain Approached Mineta who laid over the edge. I kicked him in the face launching him further out into the water. "Thank you kiriko you saved my life" Mineta said clinging on and caressing my thigh on the leg I kicked the villain with. " I manipulated the water shaping it as a hand and pulling him in from off of me.

After midoriya attempted to save all might but failed me and the other class A-1 students helped take down other villains. Once tomura was about to grab midoriya's face I used my wind quirk to pull midoriya towards me placing him down next to me I blindly attacked tomura fighting a good hand to hand combat I didn't anticipate his move correctly causing him to place a hand on my upper arm. Quickly before he dissolved my arm completely I used my wind to lift his fingers and back away from tomura who grew angrier. All Might arrived thanks to ida  and helped out. The villains retreated causing all UA Students to return to the school. Waiting on their rides. "Great work out there bakugo you really showed them villains who you are" Kirishima said packing his bag leaving the room. 'That showed that damn deku who's the real hero' bakugo said to himself with an evil grin. As he left the empty class he walked passed kiriko who held her arm walking past him. "What happened to you?" Bakugo said stoping in his tracks watching her walk sounding demanding as always. She seemed to be zoned out as she continued to walk past him. She entered the infirmary seeing Izuku standing up next to the bed with all might in it.

"Old man?! Izuku...? You know eachother?" I asked holding my arm. "U-ugh-" "Oh young komori" old man said rubbing his head "this is my uncle" midoriya said cutting him off rubbing his neck nervously. "Uhh...ok hope you get better" I said turning to the nurse.

All Might watched as she held her arm and ashes began falling from under her hand and looked up in shock "she must have been touched by my shigaraki " All might said to himself.
"Hey uh is this bad-" Kiriko said blacking out and falling to the floor.

Izuku and All Might helped tend to kiriko. I opened my eyes to the nurse kissing my cheek. "What happened?" I asked looking at my arm that was wrapped with bandages. "Your lucky, that wound of yours almost disintegrated your whole arm. I almost had to amputate your arm" she said putting fear in my heart. "But luckily little midoriya here gave you some flesh to help put you back together" I looked shocked and looked over my shoulder to the right seeing midoriya instead of old man in the nursing bed next to me. "You should be better in no time just stop by here tomorrow morning for another kiss and then it should look like nothing but a birthmark" she said looking at her clip board. "What about him?" I asked looking at midoriya sleep. "He's going to be fine by the morning now get gone your mother's proably worried" she grabbed her stuff and glanced back at Izuku before leaving.

(Bakugo x OC) Beauty & The Beast (Working on Revamp)Where stories live. Discover now