Part32: Released

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Bakugo followed him into the streets shooting explosions at Kazuki who dodged them left and right. Kazuki ran into traffic making bakugo stop trying not to harm anyone. He kept his eye on Kazuki as he made his way past cars. A big semi truck drove by blocking bakugo's view so once it passed bakugo could no longer spot him. So he flew back to the hospital angrily.

Meanwhile, Kazuki clung to the side of the semi truck hitching a ride when the driver stuck his head out of the window revealing Dabi in a green hat matching the truck he drove. "Anyone ever tell you your a bad liar?" Dabi asked "Anyone every tell you to keep your eyes on the road?" Kazuki snapped back making his way into the truck. "Shigaraki isn't going to be happy with this" Snipe said "I don't give a damn what shigaraki is happy with he needs me I don't need him" Kazuki said taking a seat in the back. "How about you help Dabi keep an eye on the road since he can't seem to watch it and stay out my damn business lizard" Kazuki said ripping his sleeve off and watching as his blasted shoulder healed. "I'm healing slower..." Kazuki said to himself.

Earlier that Morning...

Dabi and spiner dressed as a moving company as a disguise parked infront of hawks house. Approaching the door Dabi held his hat low from mitzuki who shouted on the phone at her stubborn child. Spiner held a large brown box as Dabi rung the door bell.

Saori opened the door looking up at the two tall men. Nico watched from the kitchen when Dabi lifted his head a bit and she got a glimpse of his blue eyes. "SAORI!" Before Saori got a chance to move spiner tore the box taking his large sword made from all kinds of blades and held it to Saori. "Any wrong moves and the kid gets it" spiner said. "Didn't mommy teach you not to open the door for strangers?" Dabi said with a weak grin. Hawks ran from the hall way stopping at the sight of the two. "Don't" Hawks said "Too late" Dabi said

Hawks glanced over at nico who already had a mean glare on spiner. Hawks sent feathers at Dabi who jumped out of the way from infront of the door as his feathers stuck to the door like darts. Dabi gave Spiner a nod making him grin before slicing his blade. Nico manipulates his sword melting the metal as Saori bit his finger and ran to nico's side. The metal formed into an actual sword that she sent at him at also stuck into the wall like a dart. Spiner grabbed the sword out of wall holding it in his hands. "I'd advice running dolly" spiner said as Nico pushed Saori away as she stood watching her parents fight from the hall. "Nico dodged Spiners attacks left to right as hawks dodged Dani's flame attacks. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TAKE SAORI AND GET OUT OF HERE YOU SHOULDN'T BE FIGHTING" Hawks shouted at nico as he dodged another fire attack. Nico ignored him and flipped over the couter backing away from spiner. "I'm done playing—" she melted the sword again and brung the molted metal to her "—you've disturbed the wrong family!!" Nico shouted dividing the metal turning them into needle and pushed them to spiner who embraced himself for the needles. Dabi half way threw tossed fire towards the needles stopping them making them clink to the floor. "Nice try but it's going to take more than toothpicks to stop us" Dabi said being caught off guard as hawks kicked him in the chest sending him out of the front window and into the truck denting it. He then threw feathers at spiner. They all ran down the hall towards the glass slide door. When spiner tossed three feathers that hawks threw at him at nico sticking to her back. "Nico!" Hawks said turning to her and send more feathers to block the ones spiner tossed. "I'm fine-" before nico could tell them off Saori screamed lifting her hands as Dabi ran to spiner side and attempted to toss fire at the three but Saori made a decorative plant large and wrapped them both up from the branches. Damn that brat I can't move my arms. "Come In we need to go" Hawks said lifting nico onto his back and helping Saori fly with a couple of feathers.

Hawks took them to the safest place at the time UA. He dropped nico off at recovery girl's office with Saori and headed to principal Nezu's. "What a surprise, the number two hero here at our school, to who do I owe the pleasure?" Nezu said pouring him a cup of tea. "I've gotten into some altercations with a couple of villains and luckily made it here safe, I needed quick medical tension and a safe turf" Hawks said taking a seat. "May I ask what altercations?" Nezu asked "the league of villains attacked my home after finding out I was the one who freed komori from their possession" hawks said. "And why would they target you personally?" Nezu asked making hawks shrug. "I figured it was because I entered the building as the others stood guard" Hawks said setting the tea down onto the table. "Perhaps...I can provide the two of you with a room for a night or two but if what you say is true than I can't help no further for the safety of my students" Nezu said walking to his desk and hopping into his chair. "I suggest talking to the authorities about your problem and maybe they can help you solve it" Nezu said as hawks stood. "Of course...thanks" Hawks said walking back to recovery girl's. He walked into the door to see recovery girl sitting at her desk as Saori napped in the free medical bed as nico sat with bandages wrapped around her back and over her shoulder. Hawks took the time to talk to recovery girl. "The baby? Is it ok?" Hawks asked. "Oh yes it's fine only a couple of stabs to the back nothing to get worried about" recovery girl said rubbing his arm. He then walked over to nico sitting on the edge of the bed. "You shouldn't be so reckles-" "I know...I can't just sit back and allow two of the people I love most die defending me just because I'm with child...I don't want her or him to grow up without or for Saori and kiriko to lose another so yeah I got a bit reckless" nico said rubbing the tears from her eyes with her wrist. Hawks stared at her shocked for a couple of seconds before wiping her face and standing up. "Get some sleep"

Back at Hosu Hospital...

"The damn bastard got away!" Bakugo said standing next to Aizawa, All Might, and Tsukauchi. "Was That Kazuki?" Aizawa asked. "Yah damn right the quirkless nerd as been an imposter all along. He gave the league of villains the drop on kiriko the night of the festival, there's no telling what other information he has on our school" bakugo said gritting his teeth and clenching his fist. "I should look into this-" Tsukauchi was cut off by a phone call and stepped away. "Koimushi tried to inject him with something but he caught her hand and crushed it before he left" bakugo got even angrier that he listened to kiriko when she stopped him from attacking. "Keep an eye out on her for me bakugo" aizawa said as Tsukauchi rejoined them. "This just got worst, The Wing Hero: Hawks has just been reported to have been attacked at his home this morning, apparently it has something to do with him being the one to actually free kiriko komori from the league of villains" He said "no one sustained any bad injuries besides a couple of non deep stab wounds, the family will be staying on Campus at UA Highschool until a safe house is prepared for the family...this is to be kept from the press" he continue. "Tsukauchi could you arrange a late notice meeting...I have a couple of things to say to them" Aizawa said as Tsukauchi nodded. The three joined him into the black car. Bakugo who listened in pushed the hospital's doors open making his way to kiriko

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