Chapter 5-First Day at UA

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I got up bright and early for the first day of UA. As I laced my shoes up mom yelled to me from the kitchen "Come on I have to be at lunch by 8 and your sister has school" "I'm coming let me just grab my backpack" I shouted back grabbing my backpack and heading to the car. "Sorry I woke up a bit late" It's fine but I'm going to have to drop you off at the corner that way I can make it to the elementary" mom said backing out of the driveway.

I watched from the window as we approached the block I was to get dropped off at. 'There's the guy from the cafe..todoroki..' I thought to myself "I'm fine right here mom bye see you later" I grabbed my backpack and headed towards him. "Hey todoroki right-" I tripped on my shoe lace that I didn't tie from rushing out the house and landed in the road where I was crossing. A car came not seeing me in the road and as I looked up I closed my eyes preparing to be hit. When I opened my eyes I saw that the car was frozen from the front blocking me from being hit. I looked up at todoroki who had just put his hand back into his pocket. "How do you plan to be a hero if you can't even stay on your feet?" He said walking off. "I didn't plan to trip I just forgot to tie my shoe" I said getting up and manipulating his and melting it down letting it flow to the sewer. As he stopped to reply to me he saw that his ice had disappeared. "What happened to my ice?" He said staring at the line of cars that drove pass. "I unfroze their car" I said looking back "with your wind quirk?" "No" I answered walking by him "you have a fire quirk?" "Don't worry about it, it wouldn't matter since I'm not worthy of being a hero" I answered reaching the gates of UA. I looked around at all of the other kids standing around when I heard a familiar voice shout my name. "Kiriko!!" Mina said rushing me and hugging me tightly. "You got in!!" She shouted. "Yes so did you!" I said with a smile "the robots were pretty easy to take down with my acid but you" "yes I'm impressed your wind quirk is very powerful" Momo said approaching us with a small smile. "Oh please your weapons almost took more robots out than me" I said to momo with a sly smirk. "Might have to train with you and test our quirks out" "I'm going to have to fit that into my schedule.

From a distance Izuku and Bakugo stood next to eachother watching Mina, Kiriko and momo catch up. Izuku looked over at bakugo who was also staring. Bakugo saw Izuku from the corner of his eye. "Shut up" he said shoving him and walking off with his hands in his pockets.

Everyone made their way into class taking a seat. I sat behind momo and next to Mina who sat behind Kirishima. As I conversated with Mina and momo a dude with motors in his calves and black hair stood infront of bakugo shouting about his feet being on the desk. "Does he ever stay out of trouble? "Momo said rolling her eyes and holding her head in her hands. "Not in this life time at least" I mumbled

Soon, a man enters the class and introduces himself as Shota Aizawa, saying that he will be our homeroom teacher. He then tells us to put on training clothes and head off to the training ground

Shota explains that we will be having a Quirk Apprehension Test that will try out our Quirks since we were not able to use our Quirks in middle school. After Bakugo uses his Quirk for a trial pitch, everyone in class finds it to be fun. However, Shota doesn't seem pleased by our reactions and then makes a new rule "the student who ranks last in total points will be deemed hopeless and immediately expelled"  Shota said leaving everyone stunned

We then go to start with the 50 meter dash everyone races one another competing for the fastest time. Once I was up I looked to see momo up against me. I took my stance "We both can't use our quirks as an advantage this is a fair fight" I thought to myself waiting for Mr. Aizawa to say start. As we took off momo ran side by side, with me being a bit ahead. As I made it over the 50 meter mark I tripped on my foot falling forward and pounced right into Izuku making us both tumble. "Sorry about that Izuku you ok?" I said getting off of him and dusting myself off. "Y-yeah.."he said flushed. I helped him up and observed his face. "Hey Izuku are you sure you ok did you get hurt? Your all red." "Y-yeah I'm fine" He said shaking it off.

We continued with the Grip Strength, Standing Long jump and Repeated Side Step. Overall I kept up with everyone one step ahead of bakugo in most test but I couldn't help but notice how much Izuku was behind hopefully he finds someone he can keep in head of.

As we reached the Ball Throw I stepped up holding the ball hoping to get a passing grade. I launched the ball using a bit of my quirk to throw it across the field. "823.17" Aizawa said gaining a smile from me.

Izuku originally decided to use his Quirk through his whole arm, even though previous experience had shown it would have incapacitated him for the rest of the tests, which is why he hadn't used his Quirk in the tests before. He hoped to do well enough to bring himself out of what he knew to be last place so that the rest of the tests would not matter. His initial attempt failed, as Shota used his Erasure Quirk to shut off Izuku's Quirk. Shota warned that incapacitating himself for a Quirk that could only be used once was useless, and not a promising start for a hero career. Izuku took Shota's criticisms to heart, and when Shota released him, he instead only used his Quirk in the tip of his finger, giving the ball an extra boost, but not incapacitating him.

"Nice job midoriya" I said with a thumbs up as I was bumped to the side by bakugo storming towards Izuku who was protected by Aizawa

Later on...

We all looked at the board that read momo in first, todoroki in 2nd, me in third, bakugo in 4th, Tokoyami in 6th, Kirishima in 9th,Mina in 10th, and midoriya in 21st place.

After reading izuku's place I turned to see him looking down. I approached him holding his shoulder. "Don't worry I'll re-enter with you" I said turning away with him.

"SHE'S WILLING TO LEAVE FOR DEKU?!?!!" Bakugo thought to himself clutching his fist and gritting his teeth. "Listen up everyone no one will be eliminated today" Aizawa said shocking everyone. "Then what the hell was this test for?" Bakugo shouted. " To see how each of your quirks worked in different situations...everyone thought it was fun so I added a twist to make you more devoted..class dismissed." Aizawa said turning to leave, leaving everyone stunned. "Looks like I'll be seeing you tomorrow" I said hugging him and catching up to momo, Mina and the other girls who left. "U-uh yeah..tomorrow" Izuku said stuck looking more flushed than ever

At home..

I got out of the car laying flat on my bed "This school is Tiring...but fun I said facing the ceiling "I'm going to make you proud dad"

(Bakugo x OC) Beauty & The Beast (Working on Revamp)Where stories live. Discover now