( Tomura Flashback)

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*City sounds and rushing footsteps on sidewalk*

Young tomura sat against a convenient store with his legs pulled to his face and arms crossed over one slither scratching at his neck. He looked scared and panicked being his family died at his hands minutes ago.

"Hey are you hurt?" A young girl with the darkest shade of purple curled hair that fell to her shoulders and the brightest shade of ice blue eyes and golden brown skin that lit young tomuras gloomy sight asked as her mother took a phone call.

She crouched down holding her knees turning her head to the side looking at tomura. "Is it your cut? I can help you" she reached into her small puppy purse grabbing a puppy dog kids bandaid.

"No don't!" He shouted turning his head away from her throwing his hands up in defense squinting his eyes scared of what's to come next.

Shockingly she placed the bandaid with no affect of his quirk. Her mom turned to the sound of tomura's cry getting scared for her daughter. "Come on Alyra!" She grabbed the girl's arm rushing away. Alyra waved to tomura who hesitated to wave back but did.

In the distance a man in the shadows watched before approaching Tomura reaching his hand out to him offering him a place to stay and learn.

Months later....

"Master...I wanted to ask...could I try visiting arcade?" Tomura asked scratching his neck looking to his feet.

"...No" "I-..." Tomura started, looking up to All for one before turning to leave. "Master..he'll just muster up the courage to ask again how about we let him out. Everyone already treats him bad off of his appearance maybe if you let him out they'll add to his hate for people" The doctor said.

All for one smiled. "Tomura...maybe I've been too harsh...I'll have doc here escort you have fun"

Tomura's face lit up turning to all for one. "Thank you master!"


Tomura looked at the games lit with neon colors and went towards a machine where kids were shooting zombies and watched from a distance. One kid turned around seeing tomura and nudged his friend who looked in disgust.

"dude  your creeping me out come on bro" the little boy said to his friend going over to a new game. Tomura looked sad going to look at other games people looking at him strange others going to other games to avoid him.

He looked anxious and began scratching his neck again with some familiar colored hair and smell swept past his face. Both in remembrance turned to each other a smile crept across her face. Your better now?" She said with a smile approaching him.

"Hey what's your name?" She asked. her three friends looking weirded out about tomura making him feel un easy.

"Come on alyra we wants to get ice cream" her friend said tugging at her. "You guys can go I'm talking to an old friend"

They looked afraid to leave her side but trusted her leaving the two. The doc watched from a distance nervous.

"Hey you want to play the dancing game with me?" She went to grab his hand but he was hesitant but she insisted grabbing his hand and pulling him to the dance game.

"Hear you follow the arrows that show up on the screen ready?" He looked at her and nodded slightly.

They started and she grabbed his hand dancing in sync with him. A smile started across Tomuras face making the Doc nervous so he grabbed tomuras arm forcing him off of the machine. "We have to go"
"Wait-!" The glove slipped off of his hand as he looked back in distress.

Once they got outside tomura stopped him. "My glove.." he said looking at his palms. "Heyy!!" She shouted reaching to tomuras free hand making his eyes widen. She gripped his hand before he could react and placed the glove in his hand.

"What's your name.." "..tomura." He said looking shocked as she closed his hand without turning to ashes. "Young lady if you mind me asking what's your quirk...?" "Why...?" "I'm a doctor and this young man's quirk tends to take an affect on anyone he touches" the doctor said with a fake smile.

"It's invulnerability it's a rare quirk that runs in my family" she said goodbye tomura I hope I see you soon. She said jogging back in.

On the way back tomura smiled too himself clutching the glove she gave him.

When they arrived back all for one sat at a desk .
"So...how was your trip?" He asked tomura as the doc looked to his feet. "I had fun..." he said holding his glove. As tomura went into the room all for one approached doc.

"What happened?" "Interesting enough he met a girl and as soon as they seemed like they were having too much fun together I pulled him away but she chased to give him his glove and the unbelievable part is she didn't turn to ashes when she grabbed his bare hand.  Her quirk was invulnerability!" 

"...we need to find this girl" " yes sir"

Next week...

"Shigaraki?" "Yes master" who answered as all for one walked in. "You met a girl at the arcade last week right? What was her name" he asked

"Alyra..why master?" "The giant fire that all might saved everyone from...he missed one...the media has covered up the tragic death.."

Instead of a response with words he scratched his flesh tears flushing from his eyes

"I'll give you a minute to cope" he said closing the door behind himself making his way to the lab. He approached the doctors whose attention was towards a lab table.

Attached to that table was Alyra with her mouth tied shut chained to a table.

"Your going to change the world here smiled along with the doctor as tomuras screams sounded in the background

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