Chapter 14- Rabbit Hero Mirko Training

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She was woken up by Mirko blending a carrot smoothie. "Good Morning!" Rumi said over the blender. "We start training soon you should get washed look like the drawing little Saori gave me" Rumi said giving her crazy eyes letting her know exactly how bad it is. She got up sleepily cleaning herself up. Leaving the wash room she entered the kitchen approaching Rumi. "Great let's start...take this ping pong and this cup of water... I want you to try compressing this ping pong and crushing it under the water. She placed it in the water and kiriko crushed it within seconds. "Great now observe this what do you think you did wrong?" Miriko asked "Uh...nothing it's crushed. "Crushed yes but it's flattened therefore your using your quirk from only the top and bottom and not coming at it from all directions leaving weak spots for the opponents" Rumi said pouring out the water and placing the ball into kiriko's hand. "Now try compressing this one" Miriko said. Crushing the ball flat again Kiriko grew aggravated. "Damn it!" Kiriko said. "Not as easy as you planned is it?" Miriko asked now take a little break and draw me a carrot" Miriko said grabbing her remote and turning on her tv kicking back with her feet up on the glass table. "W-what?! But I want to try again?!" Kiriko begged. "I'm the teacher and I say draw a carrot" Rumi said "But-"
"Shhh" Rumi said as her show started. Kiriko groaned and drew a quick carrot. "Done" kiriko said "Too sloppy" Rumi said "But you didn't even look" Kiriko added "Didn't need to" Rumi said. "Ughhhhh!" Kiriko drew another one taking her time perfecting the lines. "How about now?" Kiriko asked "I never seen a white and black carrot add some color" Rumi said angering Kiriko more. She colored it green and orange as usual holding it up. "You happy?" Kiriko asked "Where are the details I've never seen a carrot without a touch of lines and their leaves are definitely detailed. Kiriko added all of the details and more. "Done anything else your majesty?" Kiriko said sarcastically "mhm...I don't like it draw me a piece of celery. "ERRRRRRRR" Kiriko said crushing the piece of paper in her hand but stopping halfway through her tantrum. "Wait.." Kiriko grabbed another piece of paper crumbling it. "That's what you were getting at?" Rumi watched from the corner of her eye as kiriko refilled the cup with water and began compressing the ping pong ball. It crushed from every side. "Yes! I did it" Kiriko's said as Rumi entered the kitchen. "Now try the other one" Rumi said leaning against the wall. She compressed the second ball as well earning a smirk from Miriko. "Now that we have that down let's work on your wind give me a favor and move this chair into that corner over there" kiriko lifted her hands "without pushing it" Rumi added grabbing a book and sitting in the chair. "Do you have to sit in it though?" Kiriko asked. "Sadly I do, without me sitting here I wouldn't be able to tell if you pushed or pulled" Rumi said turning the page in her book. They sat there for almost 2 hours. "I can't do it" kiriko said sitting down on the floor. "Here...try this...if u were standing there how would you get the chair to the corner?" Rumi asked "I would pull it" Kiriko answered. "Exactly so try pulling it from the back instead of pushing it from the front" Rumi said opening her book back. "Pulling it from the back..." kiriko thought to herself only moments later pulling the chair against the wall. "Great...I think it's time to return to the beach.

Arriving at the beach Rumi stood a couple of feet away from Kiriko. "So now that you have the pushing and pulling down packed try doing them both that way you keep me a further distance being if you use them separately you will more than likely pull or push me about a mile away" Rumi said "Got it...both" Kiriko said trying to do it but not focusing and began pulling her both ways. "You have to focus and put the same amount of power in each one" Rumi reassured her. "Ok..." kiriko said to herself and focusing. She pulled & pushed Rumi extremely far back causing her to stop on her feet. "Yes!" "Good you've learned everything I wanted to train you with" Rumi said giving her a smirk. "Hey how do you know so many things about my quirk?" Kiriko asked "Your father and I's parents were close friends so we would train occasionally in the field's next to your grandparents home I picked up a couple of things from him and his father along the way" Miriko answered "What about my Water?" Kiriko said "Kind of the same story but your grandmother was my all time favorite hero back in my days. So I anticipate some things from her as well" Rumi answered. "I see..." "Wel now that, that part is covered we will began the other part of your training" Rumi shouted clutching her fist

 "Which is?" Kiriko asked "Hand to hand kombat" Mirko said kicking at Kiriko who didn't notice until after she was kicked

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"Which is?" Kiriko asked "Hand to hand kombat" Mirko said kicking at Kiriko who didn't notice until after she was kicked. "The objective is to fight me without your quirk" Rumi said running over to where kiriko had landed. "LUNA FALL" Kirko got up in the Knick of time tumbling out of the way. She then jumped backwards when Rumi was about to land on her once again but instead of fully dodging it she caught her leg redirecting where she landed. Instead of attacking she backed up getting into stance. "Not bad kid" she said getting up and into her stance herself. They threw a couple of hands dodging and throwing blows at eachother. Rumi then attempted swiping at Kiriko's feet but she flipped backwards kicking Mirko in the jaw. Landing on her hands after flipping backwards and then pushing off landing on her feet she got back in her stance. "Your the first person to ever land a kick on this rabbit...let's see if we can get another" Mirko charged her exchanging blows once again. Rumi went for the swipe once again waiting on Kiriko to do the same move which she did landing on her hands once again. Rumi this time dodged her kick to the jaw and swiped at her hands causing her to turn side ways in mid air and Rumi who still was in a low position kicked Kiriko in the stomach sending her flying landing in the sand and stopping with her back to the shore rocks. "You have potential brat I don't recall anyone ever kicking me" Rumi said wiping the small blood shed from her lip.

They trained until the sun fell leaving them both worn out. "Time to head back kid that's all for today, I wanna show you something tomorrow during training. "I'm comin-"
Miriko said face planting into the sand. Miriko jumped home with kiriko on her shoulders. Reaching her home she lyed kiriko down in the spare room and went to bed herself

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