Chapter 2- Entrance Exams

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I got up bright an early for the ua entrance exams grabbing a water bottle out of the fridge and heading for the door. "You sure you don't want breakfast? I could make you a tu-" "I'm fine this water will satisfy me until lunch" I said cutting mother off. "Go kick butt Koko" Saori shouted holding her Miriko doll as always "Not just yet little Nikkō" I said getting down and poking her forehead. "Soon" I said standing up and heading out the door. As I approached ua I admired the building and landscape. I spotted the green haired boy I met at the beach..what was it...izuku As I stared he tripped in mid air. "Hm..clumsy kid" I thought taking a sip of my water bottle not watching where I was going and collided into someone. Before I got a chance to apologize they began shouting "DO YOU EVER WATCH YOUR SURROUNDINGS!?!! HOW DO YOU PLAN ON BECOMING A HERO AND YOU CANT EVEN PAY ATTENTION TO WHERE THE HELL YOUR GOING?!" The blonde haired boy from yesterday shouted "WELL IF YOU WERE PAYING ATTENTION MAYBE YOU WOULDN'T HAVE COLLIDED INTO ME EITHER SO I GUESS WERE BOTH NOT FIT FOR THE HERO CAREER" I shouted back "WHY SHOULD I ALWAYS HAVE TO SAVE YOU FROM DISASTER?!" "Because thats what your here for isn't it to become a super hero and save the day?!" I said "Your here for the same thing why is it your always the damsel in distress?!" The blonde hair shouted "Maybe because a wannabe superhero keeps stepping in my way!?" "WANNABE?!" I cut him off by vapor rising the water and heading into ua. I was seated next to a pink girl with pink hair and yellow eyes she smiled at me wide as I took a seat "Your so pretty I love your blue hair and eyes they compliment eachother" She said speaking hyperly "uhh..thanks I really love the uh pink hair and skin it brings out the yellow in your eyes" "thanks my name is Ashido Mina you?" "Koromi Kiriko nice to meet you Mina" That's momo to your left she's not that big of a people person" "I see" I said turning to momo who was set focus on her card I looked down seeing a picture of me my quirk and other information before I heard other people behind me "Don't look at mine" A familiar voice shouted from behind me " I turned to see the blonde boy sitting next to Izuku shouting "How about you shut the hell up I can't focus with you behind me" "Your such a pain in the a-" the blonde haired boy shouted but being cut off by it beginning. "Each student will face their own handful of bots. Each bot will be worth a different amount of points. Your job is to take down the bots and gain as many points as you can" Present Mic explained "This will be a breeze" the blonde boy said from behind me. I ignored him rolling my eyes and continuing my conversation between momo, Mina, & A new girl I met well spoke to named Toru. "Koimushi" I turned knowing the blonde kid was talking to me "I'm going to take you down along with deku" the blonde dude said "In your dreams blondie" I said standing up following the students out the auditorium.

On the battlefield I stood on guard taking down bots one by one as I took down another three point bot I watched as a shadow from a distance crossed me. Looking up I seen Izuku charging at a giant bot. "Wow that must be worth a great amount of points, I should step my game up" As I charged a bot I was stopped when blondie exploded the bot sending him into a building. "How about you fight somewhere else, these are my bots blondie" "My name's Katsuki Bakugou and how about you just get better Koimushi" he shouted attacking another bot "I'll show you better blondie" I said throwing my arms up in the air manipulating the air lifting the bot up and slamming it down into pieces "Damn you koimushi" bakugo said charging me instead of another bot "Keep up blondie" I said winking while hopping on different bots running away from bakugo "How did he know my name I thought while air compressing bots and crushing them like cans while maintaining a safe distance from bakugo "I've had my fun I said stopping " and pushing bakugo away with wind causing him to fall back down to the road and stop himself from rolling "Times up!" Present Mic shouted stopping everyone in their tracks. "Maybe next time dekugo" I said walking away "It's bakugo-" "I didn't ask" I said ticking him off. Everyone gathered around to view their points. I glanced over at bakugo who gave me an evil grin as I placed 2nd with bakugo in the lead. With 77 and me with  2nd up with 61 points. Looking around at the others such as Momo, Toru, & Mina. After searching the board I got curious of the last place and it was midoriya izuku. I looked over at him who had a stunned look on his face. Making his way through the crowd he hanged his head on his way out. I placed my hand on his shoulder shocking him "Hey don't worry about blondie he doesn't know the first thing about being a hero." I said with a small grin "Thanks but you saw I took down a bot worth nothing" "If they don't see how amazing you were then their missing out keep your head up champ nothings ever really worth nothing." I said with a closed eye grin ruffling his hair and leaving UA

Izuku stood in the same spot watching Kiriko walk away "She's right I haven't failed yet" he smirked holding onto his backpack straps and making his way home

Once I reached home I entered the house being surprised by Saori who charged me jumping into my arms. "KOKOOOO did you fight villains?"  Saori asked with the happiest look in her eyes " now now I'm sure your sister's had a long day we'll talk to her in the morning" Mom said taking Saori out of my hands causing her to frown "Awwww..." Saori said looking down "I promise we'll talk in the morning" I said getting down and poking her forehead making her smile. Mother took Saori's hand walking her into the bedroom " Come on let's get you to bed, there's dinner left over in the fridge if your hungry" mother said following Saori into the room. I took the left overs out thinking about the UA exams "Poor Izuku hopefully they can see past the points and let him in." I though. I finished my dinner and rinsed my dish and took a long hot shower before heading to bed.

(Bakugo x OC) Beauty & The Beast (Working on Revamp)Where stories live. Discover now