Chapter 6- Villain vs Hero

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After Class 1-A changes into their hero costumes, they gather at Grounds B for the Trial of Battle. All Might states that the Trial of Battle will be an indoor battle. He continues to say that they will be split into villain and hero groups for a two-on-two team battle.

All Might then explains the training trial: the villains will guard a nuclear weapon they intend on deploying and the heroes must stop their scheme; if the heroes capture the villains or reach the nuclear core before time runs out, they win; if the villains manage to keep the nuclear core for the whole time or they capture the heroes, they win.

After everyone is paired up by lottery, All Might announces the first two pairs who will do combat; Izuku and Ochaco will be the heroes while Katsuki and Tenya will be the villains. All Might says that everyone else will be watching through the cameras in the surveillance room.

Both Katsuki and Tenya go inside the building first. The two talk about Izuku's Quirk with Katsuki angrily thinking Izuku lied to him for years about his abilities and laughed at him for believing it. After five minutes, Izuku and Ochaco go into the building, which starts the Trial of Battle.

After Izuku and uraraka won as hero's me and Tokoyami were called as villains against Shoji and Todoroki. Me and Tokoyami stood strategizing. "So todoroki never uses his right side...And Shoji has plenty of hands..." "I can distract todoroki" "No I can handle todoroki my quirk almost demolishes his and your shadow can be a good way to split them up...we can use it to our advantage...while I hide here with the weapon you confuse shoji by walking the halls confusing him between you and dark shadow, if he happens to come in contact with you, you will be able to fight a better hand to hand comeback than I would using both you and dark shadow's hands. "Understood" Tokoyami said walking into the hall. Once they entered the building todoroki froze the entire building. Him and Shoji glanced around seeing a shadow shaped like Tokoyami. "Looks like my ice didn't freeze someone" todoroki said "I'll deal with this one" Shoji said confidently walking around the corner. Todoroki walked the halls confidently entering the room where the weapon seemed unguarded. Manipulating the ice on the ceiling I dropped down off the ceiling surprising todoroki but he dodged me causing me to land on my feet. Readying myself we fought a hand to hand combat. After dodging one of my blows todoroki grabbed my left wrist freezing it. Using that to my advantage I melted his ice on my wrist then gripped his and swiped his legs with my left foot putting him on his back. Then manipulating some ice from the ceiling I melted a large amount off the ceiling and froze his legs and arms. Struggling to get out I took the rope getting ready to tie his feet but he bursted out of it  getting up in a fighting stance. "Your going to have to try harder than that" he said getting ready for another round. " we fought with me still holding the rope. After exchanging may blows I used the ice still around us to my advantage. Faking a move I slid between his legs rapping the rope around one leg and pulling the other side yanking him making him fall once again but strengthing the ice hold on him and wrapping his legs than around his arms and sitting him by a wall

Shoji followed yet another shadow down a hall. "Come out there's nowhere to run..I'm pretty sure todoroki is going to grab your weapon in no time" he said as the shadow disappeared. "Where'd he go" Shoji shouted 'There's no way he can stay wrapped in the ropes all might gave us...we have 3 minutes left..I should buy her more time...neither of our opponents can be held by these ropes. Our only hope is to wait out the time. "There you go Tokoyami" Shoji said charging Tokoyami.

The class and all might began counting down from 10 as todoroki got free charging the weapon "3.2.1-" stopping Tokoyami and Shoji from fighting was All Might ending the round . The class gasped at who won. "Sounds like we won" Shoji said. "I wouldn't be so sure" Tokoyami said

I held onto todoroki with a bar of ice that stuck to his body like a web. "Why *grunts* beat me with my own ice ...when you could've easily kept me away with your wind quirk?" Todoroki said grunting trying to free himself. "Because just like you I don't want to be seen for my father's power" I said freeing him and unfreezing the door walking out with Tokoyami. There was cheers from outside the building as we exited the building. We joined the group and watch the others as they battled.

"You all did excellent with your battles but there's one thing I want to say...does any one know what was wrong with Katsuki and young Midoriya's fight?" All Might asked. Everyone stood in silence until momo spoke up explaining what they did wrong

After we were dismissed Mina caught up to me along with  Kirishima. "Wow you beat todo without your wind quirk, using your water quirk as an attack against todoroki was a nice move good job" he said placing his hand on my shoulder. "Thanks" I said with a grin "wow I never seen anyone battle todoroki like that your very talented. "Thanks guys I really appreciate it" I said glancing over at todoroki who walked the opposite direction than us with his hands in his pockets. "Hey I will catch up with you guys later. "Of course" Mina said making conversation with Kirishima. "I caught up with todoroki walking next to him. "Nice battle" I said with him not acknowledging me. "You held back with no reason I wouldn't call that a 'nice fight'" He said bluntly "I told you I-" "that's no reason..if I had your father's quirk I would weiled his quirk with and you are not the same..our father's are different" he said cutting me off. "They may not be the same and I may not be similar to you but it doesn't mean I can't have my reasons for not using my wind quirk" "Still, that fight was not nice .. come the time we battle head to head...I shall beat you with both my ice and fire quirk..and I expect the same with you" he said stopping to look at me infront of the UA entrance. "No holding back huh...? I'm looking forward to it" I said going up to my mom's car getting in keeping eye contact with todoroki as he stood glaring at me. Once he was out of sight I faced forward. "New friend?" Mom asked "Something like that..." I said glancing at him through the rear view mirror.

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