Chapter 15

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Neymars POV

I can't believe Cia woke me up in the middle of the night to wish me. It felt nice, I insisted she watches a movie though she looked sleepy yet she didn't argue. She slept next to me watching the movie. I looked at her soundly sleeping with a smile on her face. After a while, even I fell asleep.

I woke up a little late in the morning I looked at my side but Cia had already left so I just freshen up and went downstairs. She was not there either. I went into the kitchen to get some breakfast and I saw a note on the table.

"Sorry Ney. Rafs and I had to go somewhere so we left in a hurry. I made you some breakfast don't forget to have it before you go to training. Meet you in the evening."

Well, no problem I thought but it's really sweet that she left me a note I smiled to myself. I went for a shower, got ready, ate my breakfast, and left for the training. As I reached there everyone was already training and I joined them. No one seemed to remember my birthday.

Cias POV
We bought so much stuff. We have planned a surprise party for Ney and invited all his teammates. We thought of home baking the cake so we got everything we needed from food to decorations and everything. I hadn't bought any gifts for Ney and I had no idea what to buy. Well, finally I thought of gifting him a guitar as he is awesome at playing it. We finally reached home changed and started our work.

 I went into the kitchen to cook whereas Rafs decorated the house. It took us so much time. Finally, everything was ready and it was almost time for Ney to come home. Rafs and I went to change I wore a backless black dress and curled my hair. His friends started to come in and finally, we heard Ney's car so we all turned out the lights and hid.

Once Ney opened the door and turned on the lights, we all jumped from our hiding place "SURPRISE..!!!" he had that wide smile on his face.

"Happy birthday" We all shouted. 

"Thank you, guys." He couldn't stop his smile. Everyone turn by turn wished him.

"So this is why you guys left early this morning?" He asked us. 

"Yeah.." we both smiled. 

"I love it.. thank you both." He hugged us.

"Well, it was Cia's idea," Rafs said.

"I couldn't have done it alone." I smiled at her. Then everyone started to get busy with each other talking and laughing.

"You look beautiful," Ney said to me when I was running here and there to see if everything is okay.

"Thank you, Ney." I smiled. 

"C'mon now stop and enjoy Cia. You did a great job. Thank you for this." He smiled.

"It's my best friend's birthday Ney! Had to do it." I smiled back.

Then the door flew open and there she was Bruna. "What is she doing here?" I asked Ney. 

"She called me saying she was here so,  she will drop by." He said. 

"You guys back together," I asked

"No just friends." He said. Bruna saw us and came towards us.

"Happy birthday baby" she hugged him. "I missed you." 

And that didn't seem like they were not together. I left them and went where Rafs was.  "What is she doing here?" Rafs asked.

 "Ney invited her," I said.

"Oh, honey I'm sorry I didn't know they still talk." She said. 

"Talk?? You should have seen her oh baby I missed you. Aaarghhh." I said.

"I don't think they are together Cia."  She said.

"Leave it Rafs. Who was I fooling all this time? I'm nothing compared to these famous models." I said to her and grabbed a drink. I finished it and grabbed another one then I went for shots. 

"Cia don't drink too much." Rafs was stopping me. 

"Not today Rafs don't stop me today." I drank too much. I started feeling dizzy and my head was spinning round and round.

Ney came towards me." Cia what happened?" He asked.

"Why do you care??" I asked him.

"Are you drunk?" He looked shocked.

 "Yeah, you got a problem," I said to him. Then after that, I don't remember stuff that happened next thing I know it was the next day and I was sleeping in my room and my head hurt like hell.

Neymars POV
I went towards Cia as I saw her alone but I noticed she was drunk and asked her but she was being too rude to me. "Why are you behaving this way Cia?" I asked her.

"Why wouldn't I? What do you know about me and my feelings? You're always too busy with these skinny, super hot, famous models. Why would you care about an ordinary girl like me? Can't take it anymore now." She said I was shocked to hear her talk this way.

 She continued. "Do you how I feel about you?? Have you got any idea how I feel when you hug and kiss someone else in front of me? Do you know why I left for England in the first place? No, you got no idea. You think you know me but you don't Ney otherwise you would have known I have feelings for you. The times we spent when I had just moved to Brazil. The way you treated me, the way you looked at me, the way you cared for me no one has ever done that before. Because of you, I got friends like Oscar, David, Thiago, Dani, Hulk, and literally everyone I call friends. A sister likes Rafs and your parents they are the best. Do you know why your happiness and that smile mean so much to me? But I'm just an ordinary girl right.? You were always after those skinny models that you never saw what I feel. So, I started to drift away from your life. And even then you didn't bother to make me stay so I stayed as far as I could. And your girlfriends!! I just hate each one of them, they were always after me. And at that time I made the decision to go away because it hurts me Ney, it hurts me a lot to see you with others and to stay far from you being in Brazil was not easy so, I made a decision to go England. And that time in Hawaii when Kathleen came to talk to me Oscar said I was his girlfriend; I wasn't Ney. Oscar and Rafs knew about what I felt for you. They have seen me cry, they have seen me get hurt. When you asked me to stay I wanted to so bad but I had to leave and that day when I came to your room and saw Kathleen there that was the day I totally broke. In England, every day I wished I could see you or just hear your voice but that was not possible. Every day I went through your Instagram. And whenever I talked with Rafs I asked about you. When you signed up with Barca I wanted to call you because I knew it was your dream and when you had Davi I wanted to be there with you but I couldn't. You always had been the biggest part of my life which I couldn't let go so, without you knowing I was always there in your life. I talked with Davi and Carolina Rafs helped me with that. Davi is really a great kid. I never left being a part of your life Ney but you did. When I came back to Brazil I thought I could deal with you but the moment I saw you my heart melted. My feelings had never died for you and then with Bruna and the party, I just thought it was my biggest mistake to come back. But then Raf's accident happened and I didn't want to lose anyone so I started being your Cia. Whether you will ever understand my feelings or not, I thought to myself that I will stay as his friend if that's all I'm ever gonna be. Whether if he understands one day or not I don't care but I can't lose Ney. Every day I fight with myself to not show you that I love you Ney but I'm not that strong enough. I can't do this anymore. Every time I see you with others I get super jealous and hurt. Why don't you understand it Ney? Can't you see that I love you? I have loved you for a long time now. Why don't you ever see it? when everyone does. It hurts me it kills me inside every day. I try to forget you but I just can't. I'm trying and I will keep on trying that's a promise one day I will forget you Ney because I have to. I can't live like this killing myself every day, crying myself to sleep."

I was speechless to hear Cia say all those things which even I have been trying to tell her. I know she has no idea that she told me this, she won't even remember it tomorrow but I'm happy she said it. I carried her to her room and went downstairs. This was my best birthday ever now I finally know what Cia feels about me. I'm gonna tell her that I love her too always had and always will. I'm just so happy. Best birthday ever. 

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