Two: Big Night

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After a much needed shower, I no longer felt as anxious as I did before. As the water pierced my body, it was like each drop of water relieved me of a lot of anxiety and stress. I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of me. I guess that was all I needed to get me in the right mood for tonight. Now that I wasn't as anxious anymore, I could literally feel the excitement taking over me. I felt untouchable.

I sighed excitedly as I walked into my bedroom. I removed my bathrobe, exposing my naked body. Sitting down at the edge of my bed, I tossed my robe to the side. Still damp from my shower, I picked up my body cream, and began moisturizing my body. Not missing a single inch of my body, I thoroughly moisturized myself until I was finished.

Admiring the smell of the cream I stood up from the bed, and walked over to my dresser. I sat the cream down before walking over to the mirror. Eyeing my body, I couldn't help but to admire it. I smirked before turning away from the mirror.

I walked over to where I had the dress hanging, and stared at it. I stood there questioning myself again. I became indecisive before quickly shaking it off. I grabbed the dress eyeing it one last time before taking it off the hanger.

Carefully, I stepped into the dress pulling it up on my body. I looked at myself in the mirror as if I hadn't already seen myself in it earlier. I don't know what was so different now than before, but I felt ten times better as I looked myself over. I could only imagine how it would be once the entire look was complete.

After spending some time in the mirror admiring the dress and the way it hugged me, I moved away from the mirror so I could do my makeup. It's not like I had all the time in the world to just stand there in awe. I had somewhere to be, and I'll be damned if I was late to see Michael. I walked out of my room and into my bathroom. I let out a sigh as I stood at the counter before grabbing my makeup bag.

A little over an hour later, I was finally done with my makeup. I stared at myself in the mirror, smirking. I was definitely satisfied with my makeup. I decided to go with a smokey eye look, and it's safe to say I didn't regret it.

I added a little bit more mascara before adding the finishing touches to my lips. I decided to go with a nude lipstick not really feeling a bold color tonight. Honestly, I think the nude color choice was perfect. I knew I would probably do a bit more touching up right before I walked out the door, so I decided not to spend too much time on my makeup.

Finally, it was time to do my hair. Before I showered, I decided to curl my hair before putting them up in rods to keep them protected. One by one, I pulled each rod out of my hair. I watched in admiration as my curls fell. I gently ran my fingers through the curls before shaking my head, watching them bounce.

The body and definition was one my favorite parts of my hair. I quickly fluffed them before spraying my hair with some spritz. I wasn't too concerned with my hair because I knew it would fall by the time the show started. Aside from the curls falling, they would most definitely become a sweated out mess by the end of the night.

I grabbed my favorite necklace and carefully put it on. I put on my earrings as well before walking out of the bathroom. I walked back into my room, going into my closet, and grabbing my black, medium length boots. I walked over to the bed and sat down so that I could put on my boots. Knowing that everything was now finished, I made my way over to the full body mirror.

I guess Ashlyn did have a point, as always.

To say I looked good was an understatement. If I didn't have the confidence before, I most definitely had it now. I looked at the time and realized I needed to be leaving soon. I walked over to my dresser, quickly grabbing my favorite perfume, Poison by Dior. I sprayed the perfume all over my body before sitting the bottle down.

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