Thirteen: Past, Present, & Future

405 11 24

Michael's POV

I opened the door to my hotel room after hearing a familiar voice. My assumptions were correct, once I locked eyes with the radio guy. He just stood there with a stale facial expression as he looked at me. The tension was very thick. The smirk that I had on my face turned into a smile. His facial expression was still the same.

"It's cool," I said looking at my security, causing him to nod and back off, while still keeping his eyes on him. "Come in," I said turning my attention back to the radio guy. I never actually got his name, and I definitely wasn't referring to him as Lauren's boyfriend. I stepped to the side, allowing him to walk in. He eyed me as he walked in, before looking straight ahead.

I wanted to laugh at his facial expression but decided against it. I nodded at my security assuring him that everything was fine before closing the door. I walked over to the living room area, and he was just standing there, waiting. I raised my eyebrow as I motioned to the chair beside him telling him that he could sit down. I honestly wasn't sure what his motives were, but I had a pretty good assumption.

Now that it was just the two of us, the tension was even thicker. We kept our eyes on each other. I looked him over as I walked to the couch that was across from him. "Would you like something to drink?" I asked as I sat down.

"Nah. I ain't come here for that," he replied. I simply smirked and nodded my head.

"Well, what did you come here for?" I asked him.

"I think you know why I'm here. But in case you don't, I'm here about Lauren." He replied stating the obvious. "You've been causing problems since you showed up," he said. I sighed and internally rolled my eyes. "Stay away from her, and we won't have any more problems," he added.

I raised my eyebrow as I looked at him. I crossed my leg over the other, slightly tilting my head to the side. "You know, you could've said this over the phone. I mean, I assume you do have the number to my room, seeing that you must've got the paper out of the trash to get my hotel and room number," I replied in a snarky tone.

"Felt it was better if you got the message in person," he replied. "No more just showing up, or playing games, getting her on jobs and shit," he continued. "Yeah, she told me who the shoot was for. I'm pretty sure it was far from a coincidence that she got that call at the last minute. Especially since she ended up at your hotel room afterwards," he added.

Instead of smirking, I gave him a big smile. "You know, I never got your name," I said purposely getting off topic. He didn't respond. He just looked at me with a slight mug on his face. I shrugged it off as I uncrossed my leg. "Anyway, since you know so much. What else do you know? Anything else you would like to share?" I asked as if I really cared.

I had to admit, when I saw him at the door, I thought this would have been more exciting. I thought maybe he came to actually fight me this time or something. But I guess not. Either way, I'm bored.

"I know enough. I trust Lauren. But you're the problem," he said pointing at me.

"I'm, the problem?" I asked finding humor in his statement. "How so?" I asked.

"You're her past." He said standing up. "Keep it that way," he continued looking down at me. I just simply eyed him. He remained silent as he walked away, heading to the door.

"I'm her past, present, and her future," I said standing up. He stopped walking and turned around. He looked at me with a scowl on his face as he took in what I said. "So let me be clear on something." I started while walking over to him. "You're not even her present. You're simply just a placeholder standing in my shadow," I said smirking. We were a few feet apart, I could tell he grew angry, but tried to play it off. "I told you once, but I'm happy to tell you again," I started as I took a step closer. "Enjoy the little time you have left. Because it's running out," I said plastering a smile on my face.

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