Three: Feels Like A Dream

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Feeling myself coming to, I struggled to open my eyes. I felt someone hovering over me, and after a few blinks, I finally managed to open my eyes only to squint them immediately. Still feeling someone standing over me, I reached my hand out feeling hair momentarily before my hand landed on something else. Feeling the features of a face, I repeatedly tapped it before running my hand along it, getting a feel.

I hadn't quite realized what I was doing until my vision became clear shortly after. A man stood over me with concern written all over his face. But it wasn't just ant man, it was him. It was Michael. I was immediately stricken with astonishment once I realized what the hell was going on.

I laid there in shock as I looked up at his hovering posture. Waking up to Michael Jackson standing over me was enough to send me into a state of shock. But recognizing the fact that I fainted in front of him, which led to this predicament, was enough to leave me appalled.

As I looked at him, I saw that his mouth was moving and words were coming out, but I couldn't hear him. I immediately snapped out of my thoughts, finally taking in what was going on.

"Lauren, are you alright?" He asked me.

Though I was still processing everything, I was just glad that I could finally hear him. His voice was a bit deeper, not usually how it's portrayed publicly, in interviews. He didn't sound as soft spoken, with his voice being slightly lower, with more depth.

I simply nodded at him, finally responding. I was still unable to speak. But I was fully brought back to reality when I felt myself being pulled up. I decided to pull myself up as well so they wouldn't be pulling dead weight.

As soon as I was back on my feet, I looked around the room. All eyes were on me. I grew embarrassed once everything started coming back to me. There's no way in hell I fainted in front of Michael, and everybody else. I couldn't believe this quickly became my reality.

I gave everyone a small smile as I dusted myself off. Jam asked me was I okay as he handed me my purse and camera.

"Wow. I'm so sorry about that," I said still embarrassed.

Although I was nervous and felt awkward as hell, I couldn't help but to lock eyes with Michael. He stood there, watching me. His look of concern was no longer there. Instead, he was smiling at me.

"I'm just glad you're alright. You had us scared there for a moment," he spoke, continuing to smile at me.

Butterflies began to have a field day in my stomach as he stepped closer to me. I would be lying if I said I didn't wanna take a step back. I was just so damn nervous right now.

"How long was I out?" I asked as I cleared my throat and took a breath.

"Only for a few minutes. You feel alright? You need to sit down?" He asked me sincerely. I shook my head declining, before thanking him for his offer, and he nodded.

Shortly after, Jam brought me a bottle of water and I thanked him. He nodded at me before walking away.

"So, you're the contest winner?" Michael asked, breaking the silence. His smile turned into a smirk and I felt like fainting all over again.

"Yes, that's me," I said trying my hardest not to blush. I briefly looked around the room before looking at him.

"Lauren. That's a beautiful name," he said. "And you're very beautiful as well," he charmed. From that moment, I couldn't hide it anymore. I was blushing and I didn't care.

I giggled like a school girl despite trying to hide it. "Thank you," I responded. I could tell he was a bit nervous too which surprised me. Here I was trying to play it cool, and he was probably just as nervous as me.

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