Twenty-Three: Knowing Look

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I stood there and cried at the sight. My family was really standing in front of me and I couldn't believe it. I was pissed because I started full on crying in front of my family. I knew that I had to be on my P's and Q's since they were here, so I couldn't slip up like this again.

Luckily, I could cover it up with the fact that I thought they weren't coming. "I'm sorry. These are happy tears, I promise," I told them as I laughed. They laughed as well as they looked at me.

"You're too old to be crying like this." Christian spoke. "And you're supposed to be 25 today? Please," he joked shaking his head causing all of us to laugh.

I pulled each of them into a hug before pulling apart and looking at them. "I still can't believe y'all are here." I said. "Dad told me y'all weren't coming anymore, and I believed him," I said as I playfully narrowed my eyes at my dad.

"Well, I had to make it believable. Especially since we were originally coming tomorrow, but Michael wanted to surprise you for your birthday." he replied throwing his hands up.

"And you knew about this?" I asked Ashlyn as I looked over at her.

"I only found out right before they got here," she replied throwing her hands up.

My eyes drifted over to Michael who had an innocent grin on his face. "You," I said simply with a raised eyebrow as I smirked at him. "Thank you, so much," I said as I walked over to him and he pulled me into a hug. I stood on my tippy toes and kissed his lips.

"Of course," he replied.

After spending a little while longer with everybody, I was surprised when my family was getting ready to leave. "Where are y'all going?" I asked scrunching up my face.

"To our rooms to finish getting ready," my mom replied.

"We going somewhere?" I asked.

"We are," she said referring to her, my dad, and my siblings. "I'm sure you have a full day ahead of you with these two. Besides, you're 25, Lauren. Go enjoy yourself. You'll see us later," she told me and I nodded. I gave all of them hugs and they told me happy birthday again before leaving.

I let out a relieving sigh as I looked over at Michael. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. He kissed my lips before moving to my ear. "Go get dressed, and meet me in my room," he whispered, before placing a kiss on my ear causing me to blush. I nodded my head and went on my way. Of course he had to slap my ass as I walked past him. I turned and looked at him seeing that same smirk on his face as he kept his eyes on me.

I disappeared into the room, closing the door behind me. I smiled to myself wondering what he had planned for me. I went into the bathroom, and turned on the shower. I walked over to the sink and began brushing my teeth and washing my face before applying my face mask. I walked over to the shower once I was finished and stepped inside.

After a long relaxing shower, I stepped out after cutting it off. I dried my body before wrapping the towel around me. I walked out of the bathroom and made my way into my room. I allowed the towel to drop, before sitting down and moisturizing my body. I pulled on my underwear deciding on a thong, with the bra to match.

I looked at my body admiring it in the mirror. My eyes instantly went to my stomach. I rubbed it even though I was far from showing. The idea of me being pregnant right now was still crazy as hell. I sighed and moved my hand before walking away from the mirror.

Since I didn't know what he had planned, I just put on something casual, but still really cute. As usual, I went back into the bathroom to touch up my hair. As I looked at it in the mirror, I wondered what I should do to it next.

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