Twenty-Six: Call Girl

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I stood there as I stared at my mother, not expecting her to be here. I thought Michael was joking when he said it wasn't another surprise. That didn't stop me from being surprised, though. My mother looked hesitant as she looked at me. She gave me a small smile, and I returned it. I felt myself being pushed forward, and turned around seeing Michael nudging me away from the door.

He motioned for me to go and talk to my mother instead of just standing there. Shortly after, he smirked as he closed the door in my face, leaving my mother and I alone. I simply rolled my eyes as I chuckled. He's so childish.

But I did need to face it, and talk to her. I didn't even get the chance to tell Michael about my conversation with my mom, but I'll probably tell him later. Unless it comes up during this conversation, and he overhears it.

"Mom, what are you doing here?" I asked her as I took a step forward. I hesitated, but took small steps hoping she didn't notice my walk. Damn I was in pain. I needed a nice bath after this talk.

"After almost ruining your birthday yesterday, I didn't wanna almost ruin it again. I waited until this morning to talk to you, but you weren't in your room. Ashlyn told me you were here," she explained and I nodded.

"You didn't almost ruin my birthday, mom," I told her truthfully. She gave me a small smile.

"But that doesn't make me feel any less bad. Nor does it make my behavior okay. I was wrong." She replied. "I shouldn't have said the things that I said. Not at any time or on any day, especially not your birthday," she said. "Yeah, I may have my doubts and my thoughts and feelings. But one thing I said that was true, was the fact that you are an adult, and it's your life and your choices," she continued.

I didn't respond. I didn't want to interrupt her. I wanted her to say everything that she needed to say before speaking.

"I definitely shouldn't have said what I said about Michael and Jam either. The honeymoon phase is real, and when it's over, you're faced with different challenges and obstacles. But I shouldn't have projected my doubts and fears onto you." She admitted. "And despite Michael being who he is, you were right, he cares about you a lot. He loves you and he's very much in love with you," she said causing me to nod and smile. "I shouldn't have put those thoughts saying otherwise into your head," she added and I nodded agreeing.

"Yeah," I said laughing and she did as well. "Because I did get scared, and immediately started thinking about the 'what-if's.'" I admitted. "I thought about a future where we weren't together and was damn near in tears, but had to stop myself," I said as I chuckled and unknowingly wiped my eye.

"Like you're about to be right now," she said referring to the tears forming in my eyes.

"These hormones," I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Speaking of hormones," she said. "It's your body, your baby, and your choice. I definitely can't take that from you." She added. "It doesn't matter if you're married or if y'all have been together for a long time, it just matters if you're happy." She continued.

"And I am, very happy." I told her and she nodded her head.

"I see that, sweetheart," she said smiling. "I'm not worried that you won't be a great mother or you two won't be great parents, or still be together. I'm just scared that you might be rushing and moving through life too fast. You just turned 25, but you're still our baby," she said as she sniffled. I sighed and playfully rolled my eyes. "But that's no excuse. You're an adult, and you were raised right, and got a good head on your shoulders." She said as she smiled.

"Thank you," I said to her as I smiled.

"I said all of that to say, I apologize, Lauren," she said as she pulled me into a hug. She hugged me tightly as she rocked me. "And I owe you an apology as well, Michael," she said as we pulled apart, and I noticed her look behind me. I turned and saw Michael slowly stepping out of the room and making his way over to us. He had a smile on his face.

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