Thirty: Expecting Someone

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Christmas Day - December 25, 1988

It was finally Christmas, and I was currently at my parents' place. I smiled as I watched everyone exchange gifts with one another. As expected, my siblings got exactly what they wanted. I found it funny how they pretended to be shocked when they saw their gifts, as if they didn't drop hints all over the place. They did this every year, and it never gets old.

"Here you go, sweetie," my mom said as she held a gift in my face.

My eyes widened slightly as I looked at her. I told them not to get me anything because I was fine not receiving gifts. And I didn't know what I wanted even if I did want something. Just being able to get them what they wanted made me happy.

"Mom, what is this?" I asked her with a grin on my face as I took the gift from her.

"Your Christmas gift, duh." She replied laughing lightly.

"But I told y'all not to get me anything," I said as I narrowed my eyes at her and my dad.

My mom simply rolled her eyes as she looked at me. "Well we did, and it's from all of us." She said excitedly. "But don't open it yet!" She said quickly, semi-yelling. "We're saving yours for last," she said as she smiled.

"Okay," I said simply as I shrugged it off.

Now I was curious about this damn gift. What the hell could it possibly be that it had to wait until the end? I guess I'll just have to wait and find out.

"So can we get our gifts now?" Christian asked breaking me out of my thoughts. He had an impatient look on his face. Typical Christian.

"What makes you so sure I got y'all anything?" I asked them raising my eyebrow.

"Well that stuff you brought in with you isn't just for decoration," Camille added sarcastically.

"Maybe it is," I quickly replied. They sucked their teeth, and rolled their eyes at me causing me to chuckle. "I'm kidding, here. Merry Christmas!" I sang cheerfully as I handed everyone their gifts.

I watched as their eyes lit up in amazement when they opened their gifts. I smiled as they thanked me. I couldn't help the laugh I let out when Camille and Christian rushed me into a hug. I hugged them back before placing a kiss on their foreheads. I was surprised when Christian didn't react and wipe his forehead.

"Thank you, sweetheart," my dad said as he walked over to pull me into a tight hug.

"You're welcome," I said as I smiled at him. "I'm glad y'all like your gifts. But. That's not it." I added excitedly.

They all looked at me curiously. I didn't respond. I quickly left out of the room and went into one of the downstairs bathrooms. I was able to successfully get everything out of bathroom, and I sat it outside of the den, making sure it was out of their view.

"Okay, before I give y'all your other gifts, dad, this is from all of us to you." I said as I smirked.

He had a smile on his face as he took the gift bag. The look on his face was priceless when he opened the bag, pulling out the ugly Christmas sweater. We all laughed when we noticed the forced smile he plastered on his face. I cut him off by handing him the other gift bag before he could speak.

"Surprise!" We all yelled at him once he saw the leather jacket that he'd been eyeing. My dad had a big smile on his face and I couldn't be happier.

"Thank y'all, I really appreciate this," my dad said as he pulled us into a group hug. "I thought I was gonna have to get a new family when I saw that damn sweater." He added causing us all to laugh.

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