Thirty-Nine: Best Interest

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I stood there with a frown on my face as I took in Joseph's words. I guess he's tired of holding in his true feelings. I was speechless. I looked over at Michael who had a blank expression on his face. I couldn't help but wonder what was going through his mind in this moment.

"Big surprise you disapprove, Joseph." Michael spoke sarcastically.

"Big surprise you're still a dumb ass, Michael." Joseph shot back with the same sarcastic tone.

"Joe!" Miss Katherine snapped.

"Mother, stay out of this," Michael demanded. He spoke in his usual calm tone, and that really worried me for some reason. "It seems that he has something he wants, no, needs to get off his chest."

"I see your naive ass still ain't learned a damn thing. Here you are, yet again, allowing another one to make a fool out of you. And she's carrying your seed, don't come crawling back crying when she bleeds your stupid ass dry," he barked.

"Just like how Cheryle bled your pathetic ass dry? Which is why you've been reaching out and trying to leech on more than usual lately." Michael spat. "How's Joh'Vonnie doing?"

There were a few gasps coming from different directions. I didn't bother to even look at anyone else. I swallowed the lump in my throat as I watched this all unfold. There was clearly some unresolved issues between them. Probably everyone in this room. I didn't expect now to be the time for this to take place. I feel both bad and embarrassed because it somehow all feels like my fault.


"Mother, please," he snapped.

"Fuck you!" Joseph yelled angrily. "Just don't go crying in Katherine's lap like the little punk you've always been, when she turns out to be just another money grubbing bitch like the rest of them!" He added. "Your narrow ass is so quick to turn your back on your own family. But will get on hands and knees for a whore!"

At this moment, I was fuming. Everything I had been holding in was quickly building up inside me. All I saw was red, and there was nothing that could change that. This was the final fucking strike.

"You watch how the fuck you talk about, and to my daughter," my dad barked as he jumped out of his seat. It took for my mom to grab him with all her strength.

"Lance, calm down." My mother tried to reason as she kept a tight grip on him.

"Calm down!? You hear the shit he talking? I'll drop his ass right here," he said making another attempt to get at Joseph. Luckily my brother came out of nowhere and helped my mother restrain him.

"Alright Joseph, you've gone way too far. You're being really disrespectful to Mike and Lauren," Janet defended.

"It's fine, Dunk. It wouldn't be the first time. And it won't be the last," Michael said.

"I mean, Mike just hear him out. Joseph has a solid point if you ask me. I mean she went from being a contest winner, to pregnant with your child while conveniently trying to make it as a photographer." Jermaine's irrelevant ass spoke.

I was completely taken aback by everything that was going on. Were they seriously talking about me as if I'm not standing right here? And to top it off, they're speaking negatively about me. I didn't know if I wanted to scream, cry, fight, cuss or all of the above. I felt the urge to say something, but words just wouldn't come out. I knew if I even did so much as murmur, I would burst into tears.

"Nobody asked you, Jermaine. Nobody asked for your opinion, nor do I care what you have to say. You have other things that you should be worried about," Michael said.

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