Thirty-Eight: How Stupid Could You Be?

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***This chapter contains mentions of sexual content

A few minutes turned into an hour and a half. What was supposed to be a quickie, turned into full on love making. He fucked me in literally every inch of his damn studio. Watching him take me in different positions in the mirror was enough to make me cum multiple times. A satisfying shiver ran through my body as the many flashbacks consumed my thoughts.


The feeling of pure satisfaction engulfed me as I watched him take me from behind. We were in the center of the studio, under the spotlight, directly in front of the mirror. I was lying flat on my stomach as he pushed into me. The way he was in my ear, forcing me to look at him.

"Look at me, love," he grunted into my ear.

He had his hand securely around my neck, as he encouraged me to look at us in the mirror. His hand gripped my throat, as he tightened his grip just the way I liked it. With his other hand, he had a handful of my hair, slightly pulling it so that my head was leaned back, and our cheeks brushed against each other.

"Don't act shy, open your eyes, Lauren. I wanna see you," he said through gritted teeth.

He wasn't just fucking me, he was making love to me. He was making love to my body. And I loved every moment of it. I had to admit, a part of me felt terrible for what was happening right now. While everyone awaited our presence, I was being fucked into oblivion.

"Fuck!" I moaned aloud before immediately going silent, instantly regretting it. Still gripping my hair, he used this opportunity to pull my head back even more, allowing me to feel his lips come in contact with my ear.

"Don't hold back. No one can hear you, love," he grunted. "I wanna hear you," he added before sending a hard slap to my ass causing me to cry out in pleasure.

As he continued to fuck me, I did exactly as he wanted and let him hear me. I lost complete control, shouting every obscenity possible. I pressed my hand into the floor, not being able to grip anything, causing me to ball my hand into a tight fist. He grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers as he pulled my arm behind my back, holding it there.

He let go of my hair before using his hand to turn my chin, sloppily kissing me. He continued to sloppily kiss me, moving from my mouth down to my neck. He kissed, licked, and bit me.

Every now and then, brief thoughts of our families would emerge in my head. The guilty feeling I once had was no more. Fuck the family.


"You ready, love?" Michael asked breaking me out of my thoughts. I looked at him before biting my lips as I tried to refrain from attacking him. "Yoo hoo," he sang as he waved his hand at me.

"I'm sorry, babe. I'm almost done, I just need a few more minutes," I told him as I continued to cover up all of the places where he marked his territory. Leave it to Michael to dress me up with all these damn love marks.

I took my attention away from doing my makeup so I could look at him. I took in his outfit, noticing he was wearing one of his red button down shirts and a pair of black slacks that he paired with one of his many fedoras and a pair of loafers. I grinned to myself when I noticed his cute little Mickey Mouse watch.

"What?" He asked smiling small.

"Nothing, just looking," I smirked as I turned my attention back to my makeup.

"Like what you see?" He asked as he walked up behind me, pressing himself against me before wrapping his arms around me. He began placing kisses along my collar bone as he kissed his way up. I couldn't help but let out a satisfying sigh.

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