Thirty-Two: Deja-Vu

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***Warning: Sexual Content

Michael's POV

After taking a beautiful ride around the city, we were pulling up to Central Park. This was a more secluded area that wasn't as open to the public. You had to know how to get here to actually find it. I couldn't help the thoughts I got once we came to a stop, and she cut the car off, making sure to cut the lights off as well.

"Thank you, love," I told her.

"For what?" She asked looking confused.

"The ride. It was amazing," I replied as I smiled. "It felt good to just be able to enjoy the city and have a regular night. No security, and no one noticing me," I added and she nodded.

"No need to thank me baby. Besides, the night isn't over yet," she replied as she moved from her side and climbed on top of me. "I owe you another ride," she said seductively as she leaned down, and placed a kiss on my lips.

She kissed me deeply as she moaned in my mouth. I allowed my hand to palm her ass, as she slowly worked her hips, grinding slowly. The way she worked her lips and tongue, aggressively, but with passion, intertwining it with mine, showed me how much she missed me. How much she wanted me right now in this moment.

She sucked my tongue slowly before pulling apart catching my bottom lip in the process, sucking it sensually before releasing it. She backed away keeping her eyes on me. Still sitting in my lap, there was a little space between us as she kept her eyes on me. She didn't say a word, she just looked at me.

Deciding to take control, I leaned in closer attempting to kiss her. She surprised me when she pushed me back in the seat. I looked at her shocked, but was turned on. I loved when she took control. Every moment of it. I had a confused look on my face when she climbed out of my lap. I kept my eyes on her as she moved into the backseat.

She motioned with her finger for me to join her, and I didn't hesitate to do as told. As I turned to make my way back there, she took my hand, pulling me, causing me to land on top of her. We laughed as we looked at each other. I leaned in, gently grabbing her chin as I connected our lips. I moved from her lips down to her neck. Kissing, sucking, licking, biting. Allowing my hands to roam free, making their way to her breasts.

As I moved away from her neck, I made my way to her breasts. Replacing my hand with my mouth, I took her right breast into my mouth. Carefully, I devoured her breast as I guided my hand down to her pants. I began rubbing her through her panties, causing her to let out a loud moan.

I stopped as I pulled back and looked at her. When she realized I stopped, she opened her eyes and looked at me. "What's wrong?" She asked. A concerned look appeared on her face.

"What if someone hears us?" I asked nervously.

She responded with a laugh before saying, "babe, it's fine, I promise. No one's coming." She said as she gently caressed the side of my face before slowly sitting up, keeping her eyes on me. "We can be as loud as we want," she mumbled against my lips before kissing me.

I let out a groan when I felt her rubbing me through my pants. I was rock hard and wanted nothing more than to let her deeply feel me. "I wanna feel you, please love," I whispered against her lips as I pulled back.

She didn't respond. I opened my eyes seeing her smirking and giving me a look filled with desire and pure lust.

"Can I pleas-"

"Shh," she said cutting me off and placing a finger to my lips. She gently pushed me back as she moved over. "Sit down," she demanded softly, and I did as told, sitting where she once was.

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