Thirty-Five: Meet The Family

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***Warning: Mention of Sexual Content

January 27, 1989

It's been three weeks since Michael proposed on New Years. We were currently in Los Angeles for the final shows of the tour, and tonight was the last night. My family, as well as Michael's family were all here. We decided this was the perfect time to tell our families about the baby and the engagement. Tomorrow at Neverland, of course. I don't think I could handle breaking the news tonight. Hell, just being in the same vicinity as his family right now was giving me serious anxiety.

Michael only had time to introduce us before he had to get ready for the show. I was relieved, because I wasn't really ready to have a real conversation with them. I was too damn nervous. On the bright side, our families were really getting along. Mine and Michael's mother were really hitting it off, which made me smile. I couldn't help but laugh when I saw my siblings engaging with some of his siblings, nieces and nephews.

"You okay, Ren?" Ashlyn asked, breaking me out of my thoughts.

I looked away from my family, focusing my attention on her. "Mhm. I'm fine," I said as I nodded.

"Why don't I believe that?" She asked as she smirked at me.

"I'm nervous as hell, Ash. I'm really meeting his family, and I'm scared." I started. "What if they don't like me? What if they're silently judging me? What if they think I'm using him, or believe the stuff written about me is true?"

"They don't think any of that." She replied.

"How do we know that?" I asked. "Hell, they could be pretending right now. Then tomorrow they'll be ready to chew my ass out." I added.

Ashyln sucked her teeth. "First of all, you're overthinking this. Second, Michael wouldn't let that happen. He loves you. The man wants to marry you. Not to mention you're carrying his big headed kid," she joked and I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Don't talk about my baby," I scoffed playfully.

"Which one?" She snickered.

"Both, bitch," I replied. "Michael's head isn't even big, and our baby's won't be either."

Ashlyn scoffed. "If you believe that. But you gone be saying something different months from now when it's time to give birth."

"You get on my nerves," I said as I shook my head. "But you always find a way to make me laugh. I actually feel better now." I added. "Thank you for coming, by the way."

"That's what I'm here for," she smiled. "How about you go over there and laugh with everyone else," she suggested as she gestured to our families.

My eyes widened, "No thank you. I think I'll just let them have their moment." Ashlyn narrowed her eyes at me. "What? I want them to enjoy themselves. Is that a crime?"

"It's bullshit if you ask me," she smirked and I scoffed.

"Whatever. Besides, I don't have a choice but to face them tomorrow."

"You say that like it's a bad thing. You're just hanging out with his family, not signing your life away. Stop being dramatic." She replied.

"I'm not being dramatic. I'm just nervous, which is normal." I said defensively as I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Mhm," was all she said as she looked at me. She was about to respond, but stopped when she looked over my shoulder. She simply smirked and turned away. Before I could comment, I was being pulled away.

I watched and continued to walk as Michael pulled me into his dressing room. "What are you doing?" I asked once we were inside and he closed the door behind us. "You're about to go on stage soon."

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