Thirty-Three: Heartbeat

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The Next Day - December 29, 1988

"It's good seeing you again, Lauren," Doctor Stevenson said giving me a smile.

"You as well, Doctor Stevenson," I replied returning the smile.

"Will the father be joining us today?" He asked giving me a quick glance while he finished setting everything up with the nurse.

"Uh, yes, he should be here any minute now," I said causing him to nod.

"Okay, great! Soon as he gets here, we can get started," he said as he looked at me.

"Sounds good," I replied kicking my legs back and forth like a child as I sat on the exam chair.

"How's the family? Have a good Christmas?" He asked me.

"Everyone's great! And Christmas was really nice." I told him while nodding. "What about you?" I asked.

"That's good to hear. And everyone's doing good. We had a really nice Christmas. We spent it with Renee's family," he told me as he smiled.

"That's good," I replied giving him a smile causing him to nod.

"We all have to get together, and do something one of these days," he said referring to our families.

Doctor Stevenson and my dad have been good friends ever since college. They met during undergrad, where they both attended Morehouse College. Being roommates all four years, they were like brothers. They stayed in touch for a while before briefly losing contact. They reconnected one day, after learning that one another worked here at this hospital. Because of their closeness, our families have often spent a lot of time together.

"Definitely," I responded agreeing with him.

The room became silent with me looking around, and Doctor Stevenson looking through a tan folder. Shortly after, there was a knock on the door causing me to look up in that direction.

"Come in," Doctor Stevenson spoke loudly.

Seconds later, the door opened, and I couldn't help but laugh to myself at the sight. In comes Michael, but he is wearing one of his many disguises. I tried really hard to muffle my laughter, but it wasn't working. And the look on Doctor Stevenson's face was priceless as he looked at Michael. For a moment, you could tell he wanted to laugh, but was trying his hardest to be professional.

"Good morning, sir, uh nice of you to join us," Doctor Stevenson said, finally speaking.

Michael simply nodded his head. He shook Doctor Stevenson's hand, before he made his way over to me. I snickered when I noticed him look Michael up and down. I knew Michael would be wearing a disguise, but I wasn't prepared for what stood before me. He didn't tell me what he would be wearing, so this was my first time seeing the disguise.

He had on huge shades, a fitted cap with NY on the front. He also sported an afro, with crazy sideburns, a mustache, and giant teeth, that were crooked.

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