Twenty: Sooner Than Later

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A Week and a Half Later - December 7th - 8th, 1988 - Tokyo, Japan

After patiently waiting, Ashlyn and I were finally on the plane to Tokyo. Mark and my family would be coming out in the next week or two. For now, it was just us. She decided to come with me now, so I wouldn't be alone since I haven't been feeling well lately. After taking the tests and getting positives from all three of them, I scheduled an appointment with my doctor to be completely sure that I was pregnant.

And as I expected, I was pregnant. I was almost two months pregnant, with my second month coming up in the next week. Ironically, my birthday week. My OB was able to squeeze me in, to which I was thankful. Ashlyn came with me to the appointment, and is the only person that knows. I didn't tell Michael yet, because I didn't know how. 

I knew I had to find the right words and fast, because I could only get away with this for so long. Since I wasn't sure what was gonna be the outcome, I definitely didn't plan on telling my parents.

I took a deep breath as I got comfortable in my seat. People were still boarding so I just looked out the window to kill some time. I couldn't believe I was pregnant. Me. But I can't be too surprised. I mean, when you have lots of sex without condoms, it's bound to happen. Part of me wanted to cry every five minutes mainly because I've been so hormonal. But other than that, it's because I feel like I messed up.

I feel like I'm letting myself down. Here I was just now really getting started in my career, and I'm pregnant. Not to mention Michael and I were still in the early stages of our relationship. How the hell was this gonna work?

We weren't even living together, and that was something we hadn't even talked about. Yes, he talked about getting an apartment in New York, but that was so he didn't have to stay in hotels while visiting. I knew he didn't want to live there permanently, and I knew one of us would have to make a sacrifice eventually.

Don't get me started on touring. I know he doesn't really like it, and doesn't plan on touring again after this one to focus on other things. But nothing is guaranteed. Anything can happen. I was so busy thinking about other things, I forgot about the obvious. Was he even ready? Did he want to be a father right now? He's 30, but that doesn't mean he's ready to just settle down. Things were moving way too fast, and I had absolutely no control. How the hell could I be so damn stupid? Either way, this was a conversation that I was definitely dreading.

"You alright?" Ashlyn asked me, breaking me out of my thoughts. I looked away from the window and over at her before nodding my head.

"I'm fine, thanks. Just feeling a little sick." I replied and she nodded her head taking ahold of my hand, gently rubbing it. I gave her a small smile as I hugged her by laying my head on her shoulder.

Sometime later, everyone had finished boarding the plane, and they were seated. We would be taking off shortly which I was thankful for. Outside of everything else, I was super excited to be visiting Tokyo.

I knew it would be exciting. I just hoped I wasn't too sick to enjoy it. I was also excited because I would be spending my 25th birthday here. Now that I'm pregnant, I wouldn't be able to drink or do anything crazy.

The flight attendant went from seat to seat, asking people what they wanted to drink or if they needed anything. When she made it to us, I asked for a water, and Ashlyn ordered a glass of red wine. I also asked for some pretzels as well. She took our orders before going on her way. Shortly after, she came back with my water and pretzels and Ashlyn's wine. We thanked her and she gave us a smile as she went on her way.

"Drink enough for me too," I joked as I looked at her. She took a sip of her wine before looking at me.

"Girl, don't tempt me, because I will," she replied and we laughed lightly.

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