Twenty-Eight: Center Stage

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"Lauren, baby, come up here love," he said to me as he looked at me with a smile on his face. I stood there still in shock as I struggled to catch my breath. I stared at him seeing him motioning for me to come. It wasn't until I was being pushed forward by Ashlyn that I actually started moving my feet.

I looked at her with wide eyes as she continued to push me forward. "Go on, girl." She said as she smiled at me.

I took a deep breath and swallowed the lump in my throat, as I took over and started walking on my own. I felt Ashlyn let go of me and I turned to see her standing there. She fanned her hands at me telling me to keep going. I turned around continuing to make my way to the stage.

Was I really doing this right now? Michael kept his eyes on me as I approached him. I just prayed my ass didn't pass out in front of all these people. As I got closer, I could hear the crowd's screams get louder and louder. I took a deep breath once I finally reached Michael. He was holding his hand out to me. He had a big smile on his face. Once I made it to him, he took my hand into his.

"It's gonna be okay, I promise," was all he said as we started walking further onto the stage.

We stopped walking, stopping in the middle of the stage. It wasn't until the spotlight hit me, that I truly realized what the hell was going on. Part of me felt like I was in a damn trance. I was halfway expecting the crowd to start booing me and throwing stuff. For a moment, I was actually convinced that they were booing. But that was all in my head. Surprisingly, they were all cheering as we stood center stage.

"My love, Lauren, ladies and gentlemen," Michael said into the microphone.

I looked at him shocked when he let go of my hand and took a step back as he clapped along with the crowd. I noticed everyone on the stage clapped as well, and Greg even played some music. I turned my attention back to the crowd and waved at everyone shyly as I smiled. I looked around at the crowd not believing my ass was really standing in front of all these people.

My eyes landed on my family who surprisingly had smiles on their faces. Of course Christian and Camille were being all extra. They even had a camera videotaping me. I'm sure the look on my face right now was priceless. I was broken out of my trance when I felt a presence beside me. I looked over at Michael and my eyes widened when I saw that he was offering me the microphone.

I shook my head as I laughed nervously. "Go on, take it," he whispered in my ear as he laughed lightly. I shook my head again as the crowd got even louder. I took a deep breath before tuning and looking at Ashlyn who motioned for me to get it.

I sighed and gave in. I took the mic from him and he smiled at me taking a couple steps back. I looked at him as I blushed. I don't know why I blushed because I was nervous as hell. I turned to the crowd who was still cheering, and cleared my throat.

"Hi," I said softly into the microphone. "Wow, I can't believe I'm up here," I added. "Um, well, thanks for cheering for me," I said and instantly regretted it. I didn't know what the hell to say. Hell, I still couldn't believe I was here in Tokyo on stage in front of thousands of people being officially announced as Michael Jackson's girlfriend. "I really do appreciate it, thanks again," I said giving a smile and quickly handing the mic back to him.

He took ahold of my hand before I could walk off stage. He knew what he was doing. "I love you! And goodnight," he said before blowing them a kiss. They continued to scream to the top of their lungs. We looked at one another as he kissed my hand, and we made our way off the stage.

I felt like I was finally able to breathe once we were backstage.

"Oh my God, I can't believe you just did that," Ashlyn squealed.

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