Fifteen: What If?

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Lauren's POV

I stretched and groaned as I woke up. I slowly sat up, squinting my eyes as I looked around. After fully opening my eyes, I noticed I was alone in the middle of the bed. I was confused when I realized I wasn't in my own bed, but someone else's. I looked down at myself, removing the covers from my body, seeing that I was still dressed in the clothes from last night.

The thought of last night instantly brought back all of the previous events. A brief wave of sadness consumed me as I thought about Jam, and the fact that we broke up. I hoped that he was okay and not taking this too bad. But that's probably unrealistic, being that he was obviously fighting the urge to be emotional in front of me.

I was broken out of my thoughts when I heard footsteps approaching. Soon Michael appeared, and I remembered I was in his hotel room. "Good, you're up," he said cheerfully with a big smile on his face. That damn smile. "How'd you sleep?" He asked me walking over to the bed, and sitting beside me.

"Amazing. This bed is so comfortable," I said while stretching, and letting out a relieving moan. He grinned as he looked at me. "How'd you sleep?" I asked him.

"I slept well. Surprisingly, the couch was pretty comfortable," he said and I gasped, as I furrowed my eyebrows together. "What?" He asked laughing.

"Why didn't you sleep in the bed?" I questioned.

He simply shrugged. "You had fallen asleep, so I just put you in the bed and slept on the couch," he explained.

"You could've got in the bed," I told him. "I didn't mean to put you out of your own bed. I'm sorry," I said apologizing.

"You don't have to apologize. And you didn't put me out. I just didn't want to overstep after everything. So I gave you space," he explained.

I went to say something, but decided against it and nodded my head. "Well, I appreciate it," I told him.

"Of course," he replied smiling small. "Are you hungry? I could order breakfast," he suggested.

I shook my head as I yawned. "No, I'm not really hungry right now, but thank you," I said and he nodded. "What time is it anyway?" I asked as I looked around in search of the clock.

"9:14," he replied simply just as I turned around seeing the clock on the other night stand. I sighed as I threw myself back on the bed.

I had my arm draped across my face, covering my eyes before moving it. I opened my eyes, seeing him looking over at me before looking away and staring at the ground. He looked so damn good. The sun was shining bright, and it pierced into the room. It shined on him, and I just sat there taking in how beautiful he looked.

He had his hair pulled back in a cute little bun, leaving a few curly strands hanging in his face. I couldn't help but admire him. He looked over at me and gave me a smile. I snapped out of my trance, realizing I probably looked like a creep.

"Like what you see," he asked jokingly.

I blushed, as I rolled my eyes and looked away. The room was quickly filled with silence, but it was comfortable. We just sat there enjoying each other's presence. "Um, there is something I wanted to talk to you about," I spoke up as I slowly sat up in the bed.

He slightly turned his head, as his eyes slowly drifted in my direction. I internally rolled my eyes. He couldn't just simply look at me? No. He had to do the most and look all sexy while doing it.

"You sure do get lost easily," he said breaking me out of my thoughts as he bit on his lip and smirked at me. I blushed and rolled my eyes at him. He laughed lightly, as he licked his lips. "But seriously, what is it you wanna talk about?" He asked growing curious.

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