Forty-Three: Off The Hook

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One Week Later - April 1989

"Michael, Lauren, it's wonderful to have you two with us today," the interviewer said cheerfully with a smile on her face.

"The pleasure is all ours. Thank you for having us," Michael replied, and I nodded my head giving her a smile.

I have to admit that I'm nervous as hell right now. I can't believe my ass is sitting here doing an interview with Jet magazine. On camera. I hoped she didn't ask me any questions because I was afraid that I would open my mouth, and no words would come out. But at the same time, I didn't wanna leave Michael to do all the talking.

"It's been over three months since certain accusations were made in regards to your relationship," she spoke breaking me out of my thoughts. "And since then, you two have been silent on the subject matter. Until today of course. What brought on this decision?" She asked.

"Well, it was something we felt was best kept private until we knew we were ready to speak on it." He said as he nodded and briefly glanced at me. "We weren't in a rush to confirm or deny anything right away." He added and I nodded my head agreeing.

"Even with the public scrutiny? There have been several things being said about you two and the extent of your relationship. People questioning the authenticity of it. Several nasty rumors. Especially some awful things about you," she said directing that last comment to me.

"The press, and how ugly they can be is something that I'm no stranger to. A day doesn't go by where some outlandish story isn't being plastered all over the national enquirer, and other junky tabloids. And what makes it worse, is that people will feed into it, and believe whatever about you." He shrugged. "It could be the craziest thing ever. Something you know couldn't possibly be true, but since it's mess, it's considered juicy. When you know the truth, there's no one you need to prove anything to."

"But Lauren isn't used to this kind of attention, wouldn't that make you wanna say something sooner more than anything? I'm sure this ordeal has been far from pleasant for you." She replied as she looked at me. "I'm actually interested in hearing what Lauren has to say," she chimed in just as Michael was about to speak.


I swallowed the lump in my throat as I adjusted the way I was sitting. I looked at her, and she gave me a warm smile to which I returned. I felt Michael gently caress my hand, causing me to briefly look over at him, giving him a small smile. I returned my attention to her as I prepared to speak.

"While yes, I have to admit that it has been quite agonizing what we've been through. Not just three months ago, but back in December where this all started." I began and she nodded. "I've been very satisfied with the way everything has been handled. Both Michael and I reserve the right to our privacy. And I'm thankful for him and everything he's done to keep me as protected as possible." I continued. "He can't control what the media says or does, and I don't expect that. Especially when he's been the victim and constant target for a long time now."

I internally sighed, surprised at myself for making it through my answer. I thought I would've choked or stumbled by now.

"You mention the lack of control of others. What about your ex? Do you think if you had more of an influence on him, that would've prevented his past actions?" She asked as she placed a hand under her chin, awaiting my answer.

"I don't know what more could've been done on my part. You can't control what people choose to say or do. I'm not sure what or why Jamir made the decisions he's made," I shrugged briefly pausing. "But all that matters to us is the truth and just being happy together."

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