Fourteen: Start Over

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Michael's POV

"Look at your face," Frank ranted, looking me over.

"It's not even that bad," I huffed, rolling my eyes. I had a bruise on my face and my lip was busted. "It's nothing that makeup can't fix," I continued.

I turned away from the mirror, seeing him holding out an ice pack. I took it from him as I placed it to my face, hoping the swelling would go down soon.

"I told you, Mike. That girl was nothing but trouble." Frank said. I rolled my eyes as I laid on the couch. I kept the ice on my face. The cool feeling began putting me at ease. I sighed, allowing myself to relax. "She was only gonna be a distraction. Six months of no problems, and the moment she shows up again, you decide you wanna be a boxer," he added.

"I found her, she didn't find me. Leave her out of this," I defended. I honestly didn't understand Frank's problem with her, but it would be the least of my worries soon enough.

"I still don't understand your obsession with this girl. You'd be better off just listening to me, Mike. I know what's best for you," he said.

"That's why you sent her away, and lied to me about her being a user?" I asked confronting him as I sat up on the couch. Frank had a puzzled looked on his face. It was clear that I had caught him off guard. "Or why you lied to her, telling her I knew about your little scheme?" I asked fully getting off the couch. I held the ice pack to my face as I looked down at him.

Frank was a short man, so I towered over him a bit. He took his cigar out of his mouth keeping his eyes on me. I could tell that he was trying to find the words to say making sure he didn't say the wrong thing.

"Mike. I- I can explain," he stumbled out. "Look, the girl's no good for you. Sooner or later she was gonna hurt you." He said slightly yelling. "I mean look at you, now, Mike. You got in a fucking fight today. You think that shit is okay?" He asked in frustration.

I couldn't help but chuckle at him. He really had the nerve to try and turn this on her. "Frank, I didn't get in a fight because of her." I started. "I got in a fight, because of you." I said pointing at him.

"Me?" He asked shocked as he pointed his finger at his chest. The look on his face was priceless. The fact that he was actually offended by what I said is hilarious. I was right and he knew it. He just didn't want to accept it. "All I've done was protect you," he added trying to defend himself. He placed his cigar to his lips, taking a puff.

I simply nodded as I looked him over. "So you were protecting me by lying?" I asked. "You were protecting me by taking it upon yourself and lying on my behalf without my permission or knowledge?" I asked slightly yelling.

"I was doing what was right," he replied. "I mean, is she or is she not with someone else?" He asked.

"Because of you!" I snapped. "Had you not did what the fuck you did that night, Lauren would be here right now. But she's not. And it's because of you." I said pointing at him, pushing my finger into his chest. "And you can stop with that 'she wanted to use me' bullshit. She doesn't want anything but me. She cares about me. Not who I am, or what I have." I explained.

"Mike, listen to me man, I was just trying to -"

"You're fired," I said simply cutting him off. I didn't wanna hear anything else he had to say. He stared at me with wide eyes.

"You don't mean that," he said shaking his head. He was clearly in denial because nothing about me right now even gave him the slightest hint that I was joking. "Are you serious? Over HER!?" He yelled.

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