Forty-One: You Lost Your Momentum

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Lauren's POV

"We need to talk," I said in a stern tone.

"Okay. Let's talk, Lauren. Even though I don't know what exactly we have to talk about." Jam shot back.

I pulled the phone away from my ear, and looked at it like he was crazy. I don't know why his ass had an attitude as if he isn't the reason for this current mess that's going on.

"You have a lot of nerve having an attitude as if you haven't been running around talking to any, and everybody who will listen." I spat.

He chuckled before responding. "I take it you've seen the interview," he replied nonchalantly.

His fucking lack of care about this was really pissing me off. I was trying to keep my composure before I lost my mind and tore his ass a new one.

"How could I miss it? I hope your fucking fifteen minutes and those few dollars they threw at you was worth it. Because that's all you'll ever amount to. That, and your little ass radio show. They must've offered you a television show or something to get you to talk. I don't know why you fell for it, the shit will never go anywhere." I snapped.

"I don't know why you're so upset Lauren, I didn't even say anything negative about you. If anything, all I did was speak ill of his bitch ass, and in favor of you." He said causing me to scoff and roll my eyes.

"And yet somehow it all still falls on me. I'm still painted as some hoe jumping between y'all, when that's not the case!"

"It's not?" He asked rhetorically.

"Fuck you, Jam! You know it wasn't like that."

"What was it like then, Lauren? He kissed you and you didn't stop him. Instead, you just kissed him back. Not to mention calling me his name during sex. I may have defended you, but don't let that take away your ability to hold yourself accountable for something. That at least, if not anything else." He said.

"There's nothing else I need to hold myself accountable for."

"Leading me on."

"Bullshit. I never led you on." I defended.

"What do you call it?"

"My emotions were all over the place, and I still chose you at first. And when shit went too far, I stepped in and pulled the plug on it. So don't come at me with this shit. I've never pretended to be a victim like you are right now. Where's your next stop on this victim tour? Entertainment Tonight? The National Enquirer? Because I'm sure you're dying for the next person to eat your bullshit right the fuck up!" I shot at him. I was fed up and sick of his shit. I was honestly regretting this phone call.

"You know all this anger and hostility isn't good for the baby, Lauren," he replied in a snarky tone.

"You're doing all this for what? You get on television disrespecting him, for what, Jam? What's the end goal in this? You have all this love and respect for me, yet you create all these problems. And for fucking what? Not to mention you saying private things. And making up things. Fucking Tatiana. Where the hell did that come from?"

He didn't immediately respond. Instead he laughed, pissing me off even more. "So that's what this is about? I bet it's been eating you up. Thinking about the fact that he's been with her. You were at that show, you saw how giddy his lame ass was when she kissed him. I'm sure that wasn't their first or tenth time kissing. They looked real familiar. Real comfortable with one another. Hell, I'm sure it didn't just stop there. Yeah, she got fired, but I'm sure that didn't stop anything. Matter of fact, I know it didn't stop anything. Nice to know my statement left you bothered. I'm not really surprised." He said. "But that's something you should ask him about since you're so bothered by it."

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