Sixteen: Did I Tell You How Much I Missed You?

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***Warning: This Chapter Contains Sexual Content

Lauren's POV

I was happy that dinner with my family went well. Once it was over, Michael and I volunteered to clean up, allowing my parents to rest. They went into the den to relax.

My siblings tried to leave the kitchen, but I stopped them, forcing them to help us clean. They cleared the table, and Michael and I did the dishes. Doing the dishes was really code for us loading the dishwasher.

"You call this cleaning?" Christian asked bringing in a stack of plates.

"Work smarter, not harder," I said smirking as I rinsed off the plates and handed them to Michael so he could load the dishwasher.

Christian sucked his teeth as he walked out of the kitchen. Soon after, Camille brought in the rest of the dishes from dinner. We repeated the process as Christian walked in holding glasses and silverware in both hands. He slightly slammed it on the counter, before turning to walk out. I laughed as I tripped him causing him to almost fall.

He turned around and mugged me before walking out. I looked over at Michael who was laughing as he shook his head at me.

"What? He can't just be slamming shit," I joked.

We finished up in the kitchen making sure everything was wiped down and in the right place before leaving out. I even took a look at the dining room knowing my siblings, mainly Christian, likes to half do things. We made our way into the den after making sure that everything was in order.

We barely made it inside before Camille came rushing in with her polaroid camera. I playfully rolled my eyes when she basically threw it in my damn hands. I laughed to myself when I noticed she had changed into a t-shirt with his face on it. This girl was determined.

"Camille get a couple of pictures and that's it. Don't take up all of his time," my dad told her with a straight face. She nodded her head before looking at Michael as she stood next to him.

"It's fine, I promise," he said smiling at Camille. They stood next to each other, and he placed his arm around her.

"Smile," I said excitedly to both of them as I lifted the camera. I wanted to bust out laughing when Camille flashed the biggest smile I'd ever seen.

I looked over at Michael seeing that he was smiling big as well. I just wanted to melt whenever he smiled. He had one of the most beautiful smiles I'd ever seen.

I took about ten pictures of them so Camille would have options. They took a few where they smiled, and others doing goofy faces. They even took one where both of them had a straight face and their arms folded, trying to look cool. After this, Camille swore he was her bestie. I looked at every picture, shaking them until they fully developed. Each of them came out great.

"Thanks, sis," Camille smiled as she looked at them. She showed them to Michael who had a smile on his face as well.

"Me, next," Christian said coming out of nowhere. My parents shared a look with each other as they shook their heads. I laughed when he slapped hands with Michael.

I almost screamed when I realized that was how he wanted to pose for the pictures. Christian has always had a big personality. He knew how to make you mad and get under your skin, but he also knew just how to make you smile and laugh.

While they stood next to each other, I took in the fact that he and Michael were the same height. My brother took after my dad in height, so I knew he wasn't done growing. I took a few before getting them and shaking them, allowing them to develop. I handed them to Christian allowing him and Michael to look at them.

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