Fifty-One: Welcome to the World

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5 Hours Later

After realizing my water had broken, I nearly jumped out of the bed when Michael got up. I had never seen him move as fast as he did. In no time, he was already on the phone trying to reach Doctor Stevenson. I just sat there calm as I tried to recollect what was going on in this moment. While I saw the wetness, knowing exactly what it was, it hadn't really settled in my mind what all of it really meant.

As Michael frantically spoke with Doctor Stevenson after reaching him, I just sat there, trying to remain as calm as possible. At least one of us needed to be calm in this moment, and ironically it was the one who was actually carrying the damn baby.

I tried my best to calm him down after he wrapped up the phone call. Michael immediately sent a jet for Doctor Stevenson, and all we could do now was wait for him to arrive. I was still very numb and distant, but the only thing that mattered to me was Michael being alright. I couldn't help but feel bad when he let out a string of apologies for his lingering absence leading up to our blowout earlier. I felt even worse when he began beating himself up after voicing that even in this moment, he felt like he was falling short. If I wasn't mistaken, he was on the brink of tears. It was obvious he was trying to hold it together.

Once I successfully talked him down, he took some time to gather himself before making more phone calls. I had him go get Camille and Christian who were off in the theater so that they could help him with making the phone calls. I figured they would still be awake, though it was the middle of the night. They were enjoying their summer vacation, and I wasn't about to tell two 17 year olds to go to bed. They deserved to enjoy their time here, especially since they've been such a big help, basically waiting on me hand and foot.

While he spoke with his mother, Janet, and Rebbie, Camille and Christian spoke with my parents and Ashlyn. I knew it was extremely late over on the east coast, with them being three hours ahead, but there was no way they would let me live this down if I didn't call to inform them of my labor. My early labor.

As expected, everyone made plans to try and make flight arrangements in the morning to get here as soon as possible. I knew for a fact Miss Katherine would be here before anybody else. With each phone call, it felt like a drag. Everyone wanted to talk to me, having so many different questions and things to say. All of the mothers decided to give me different tips and advice for this time. My mother and Ashlyn felt remorse for not being here as if it was their fault. No one expected this, so I took that as my time to make them feel better about the situation. They wouldn't be here for the birth, and it wasn't a good feeling, but there was no need for any of us to dwell on the subject.

Five hours had passed since everything unfolded. From the discovery of my water breaking, to the many conversations, to Michael's heightened anxiety. I was thankful that Camille and Christian were calm. They seemed like true professionals. That helped to keep everything at ease.

"Alright, it's time to push!" Doctor Stevenson spoke up.

"What?" I asked as I snapped my head in his direction.

"You've dilated to 10 centimeters," he said as he flashed a smile. "Your baby is ready to see the world and meet his parents." He beamed.

Feeling myself hyperventilate, I was speechless as tears clouded my vision. "But-" I managed to get out before cutting myself off as I began to sob.

"Love, what's wrong?" Michael asked as he leaned forward, eyeing me.

"This isn't right." I cried. "Everyone was supposed to be here. I'm about to have our baby, and none of our families are here. Ashlyn isn't here. And we're having him two weeks early. I'm scared. What if something goes wrong?" I vented as I sniffled.

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