Forty-Five: Repressed Memories

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Michael's POV

"So that's it? She's just gone? Again?"

"Yes, Bill," I sighed. "She's gone." I said bitterly.

I was sitting on the floor with a blank expression on my face. My body language was nothing short of miserable and pathetic. It was written all over me.

"For good?" He asked.

I shrugged. "I don't know. I don't think so. She just said she needed space so she was going to New York." I explained. "I didn't know she meant in the middle of the fucking night." I snapped.

I awoke early this morning hoping I could catch Lauren before it was too late. I had high hopes that she was only speaking out of emotions last night. But I was met with much disappointment when I went into our bedroom only to find her gone.

"How was she able to just slip away on your jet without your clearance?" Bill asked.

"They didn't need my clearance. She said she needed the jet for an emergency flight to New York. They figured she possibly had a family emergency, so they made it happen." I said. "She didn't even give me a chance to explain what happened." I scoffed.

"Well, what did happen here?" He asked as he looked at me.

"While I was on the phone with Frank, she-"


"Yes." I nodded. "Apparently that's who had been calling nonstop."

"What the hell did he want?" He asked raising an eyebrow as he folded his arms across his chest.

"He was trying to ease his way back in. Which isn't a surprise at all."

"And what did you tell him?"

"No, of course," I said as I gave him a knowing look only for him to shake his head.

"I told you that it was past time to change the numbers again." He said in a parental tone.

"I know. Which reminds me, I need to do that before I do anything else," I spoke as I made a mental note. "But that wasn't all he wanted. He also shared some interesting information with me. Tatiana and that concert promoter have been sleeping together." I told him and his eyes immediately widened.

"And you believe him?"

"At first I was a bit skeptical, but it all started to make sense as we continued talking." I explained before pausing briefly. "Before he could finish begging for his job back, that's when she showed up." I said as I looked at Bill.

"Tatiana?" He asked with raised eyebrows and I simply nodded. "How the hell did she get past security and onto the property? How was she able to gain exclusive access to the house? Somebody's getting fired," he barked as he went to leave.

"Bill." I said simply, stopping him. "It wasn't anyone's fault. She knows the ins and outs of the entire ranch. Places you don't even know about." I admitted. "There were times where I just wanted to get away from everyone, even you. So I would sneak around with her, doing my best to avoid getting caught."

"I told you that girl was no damn good, Mike." He said pointing his finger at me.

"Which is exactly why I avoided you," I retorted sounding like a child.

"Which is exactly why you're in the position you're in now," he mocked. "Let me guess, she baited you and you fell for it, then Lauren walked in on the two of you?"

"Not exactly. She overheard us from the other side of the door. The doors to my office were locked. But nothing happened." I explained.

"So she just up and left in the middle of the night because 'nothing happened'?" He asked me curiously. I noticed that there was a bit of sarcasm in his tone.

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