Eighteen: Night Out

393 7 14

We arrived at the hotel about twenty minutes later. I let out a relieving sigh, as I got out of the car. I stretched my body as I thanked the driver who closed the door behind me.

"Goodnight," I told him while waving as I walked away. He returned it before going on his way. I walked to the entrance, and the doorman tipped his hat, greeting me as he opened the door. I returned the greeting as I walked in.

"Excuse me, ma'am," the lady at the front desk called as she appeared next to me. She must've been running or fast walking just to get to me, because there's no way she made it from behind the desk and over to me that fast. She had a smile on her face as she looked at me. I was a bit skeptical because her smile seemed forced instead of genuine.

Remaining silent, I raised my eyebrow as I looked from her to her hand that was on my shoulder, wondering why the hell she was touching me. She eventually caught on to the look I was giving her before quickly moving her hand.

"I'm sorry," she said laughing uneasily as she placed her hand down by her side.

"It's fine," I said giving her barely a small smile, as I looked around briefly before looking at her. She didn't say anything, she just stood there staring at me with a goofy ass look. "Is there something you need or?" I asked slowly and slightly annoyed. No one has ever stopped me before, so I was curious to know what she wanted.

"Oh, yeah, well it's nothing serious. I'm just curious to know your name and what room you're staying in?" She said hesitantly.

"Excuse me?" I replied raising my eyebrow.

"It's just that, um, we have no record of you checking in. And we see you come and go all the time, so I just wanted to see were you here with someone and confirm their room number." She explained. I rolled my eyes as I tried to hide my attitude. I knew it was gonna be bullshit from the moment she put her hand on my shoulder.

I looked at her seeing that she was still waiting for an answer. She still had a smile on her face, but this time it was different. Her smile wasn't forced anymore, it looked like she was trying to hide her annoyance instead.

"Well, that's not your business seeing that I'm not bothering anybody," I said flashing a fake smile as I began to walk away. She finally dropped her smile and was now mugging me. "But, since you need confirmation, here," I added as I pulled out my room card and flashed it.

She just stood there with a stupid ass look on her face, and I simply turned around and made my way to the elevator. While waiting for the elevator, I turned around seeing she was still standing there with a mug on her face. I laughed and shook my head seeing that she folded her arms across her chest. Once the elevator came, I stepped on and pressed my floor. I stood there as the doors closed and she finally decided to walk away.

I simply laughed at her ass. She looked like a fucking creep. There was no way in hell I was telling her the room number. It's not like she would know anything even if I did. Michael always checked in under an alias whenever he stayed at hotels. But it just wasn't her fucking business. I knew she wasn't a problem. Or at least I thought she wasn't.

. . .

"Hi," I said excitedly as I made my way to the room. I waved at him with a smile on my face.

"Sup, Lauren," he said as we did our little handshake.

"Is he in there?" I asked him as I went to unlock the door.

"Yeah, he's been in there all day," he said nodding. I simply nodded before telling him goodnight. He returned it as I unlocked the door and opened it, walking inside shortly after. It was quiet, so I wasn't sure if he was sleep or not. I slowly and quietly closed the door deciding I wanted to surprise him.

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