Seventeen: Only Time Will Tell

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***Warning: Brief mention of mature content.

Lauren's POV

After waking Michael up by sucking his dick and putting him right back to sleep, I got out of the bed and went to take a shower.

"Shit," I hissed as I walked the short distance to the bathroom.

I was sore as hell. I turned on the shower, and immediately stepped inside, allowing the hot water to run all over my body. I let out a relieving sigh. Flashbacks from last night began to play in my head. I smirked to myself thinking about the way Michael handled me, the way he made love to me.

After spending a great amount of time in the shower, I finally gout out. I dried off before pulling on a robe. I walked over to the sink and began brushing my teeth and washing my face. I looked at myself in the mirror seeing the different marks he left on my body. I let out a satisfying sigh, as I looked myself over. Afterwards, I applied my morning facial routine, before leaving out of the bathroom. I sat on the edge of the bed and moisturized my body.

Shortly after, I proceeded to get dressed. Since I'd been spending a lot of time with Michael here at the hotel, I just made sure I had enough clothes with me. I wouldn't mind us just being at my apartment, but I didn't want to risk anybody seeing him. The last thing we needed was a scandal, or someone saying any and everything to the press.

Since I was helping Ashlyn move, I decided on a cute multicolored matching sweat suit, and a pair of sneakers. Ashlyn and Mark were ready to move in together, so Ashlyn decided to just move into Mark's place. Mark had a very nice condo in Manhattan. It had a beautiful view of the city. I was happy for them. I was even more happy that Ashlyn was happy and had a good guy.

I looked through my clothes for some underwear, before deciding on a simple, black, bra and thing set. I got dressed, pulling my sweatshirt over my head, before putting my pants on. I didn't really want to wear any jewelry, so I settled for a pair of earrings, and my watch. Looking around for my watch, I spotted it on the night stand.

I made my way around the bed, picking up my watch and putting it on my wrist. Afterwards, I looked over at Michael, watching him sleeping peacefully. I smirked as I leaned down and placed some kisses on his face. I pecked his lips and went to pull away, only to be pulled back down into another kiss by Michael.

"I thought you were asleep. Have you been pretending this whole time?" I asked and he shook his head.

"No. I felt you get up from the bed and that's when I heard you come around here," he explained and I nodded as I looked at him.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you," I told him.

"No, don't apologize. It's fine." He told me with assurance. I nodded my head as I sat up.

"Well, I'll see you later, I'm going to help Ash," I informed him, bending down to kiss his lips one last time. He smacked my ass afterI turned to walk away, and I squealed. I rubbed my ass, turning to look at him catching him smirk before biting his lip. I blushed before turning around and walking away heading for the door.

"Nice walk," he called.

Judging by his tone, I knew I didn't have to turn around to know that he was probably smiling, or had a cocky smirk on his face. My assumptions were correct when I briefly glanced back at him, seeing that damn smirk. Michael is the sweetest, most thoughtful, and charming person in the world. But when it's time, he can be a real menace. Last night reminded me how much of a demon he really is.

"Tell Ashlyn I said hello," I heard him yell.

Making my way through the living room area, I smirked seeing our clothes from last night thrown everywhere. I sighed and shook my head seeing my ripped panties. I loved that thong.

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