Twenty-Two: For As Long As You Want

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***Warning: Mention of Sexual Content

Four Days Later - December 13, 1988

Michael's POV

"She's Pregnant? You gotta be joking, Mike. I don't believe you," Greg said shocked. I had just broke the news to him about Lauren.

"No, man, I'm serious," I told him with a serious look on my face. "I saw her in the bathroom the other night. Lauren's definitely pregnant," I added. It had been four days since I found out Lauren was pregnant. Now that I know, it all makes sense.

Her behavior, back when she was feeling sick last month, and the random crying. Her reaction when I touched her breast. She told me that she took three tests and went to her doctor to confirm before flying out here. So far, she was two months into her pregnancy.

"Wow man, I don't know what to say. Congratulations," he said giving me a small smile. "What are you gonna do?" He asked.

"You mean are we keeping it?" I asked. He nodded his head. "I don't know," I shrugged. "We haven't talked about that yet," I told him truthfully. He raised an eyebrow in response. "We haven't talked about anything."

"Well, when do y'all plan on talking about it?" He asked me.

"I don't know. Soon I guess," I replied.

"Good idea. It's not like y'all have all the time in the world." Greg said.

"Man, I swear you act like a dad," I laughed.

"That's my job," he replied jokingly as he laughed with me. "But seriously, what do you wanna do? How do you feel? Do you wanna keep it?" He asked me. I looked at him, and sighed as I thought about his questions, before just giving him an answer.

"To be completely honest, I don't know how I feel. I mean, I love kids, and I do want kids. But do I want to start now?" I vented. "And not to mention Lauren and I are still going through the motions. Yes, we're in love with each other, and it's only getting better, but there's still things we haven't talked about." I added. "We don't even live together. Hell, we don't even live in the same damn state." I continued.

"Shit, I can't tell. I was almost certain your ass was a New Yorker now," he joked. I couldn't help but to laugh at him. Leave it to Greg to joke at a time like this. "But if you love her, and you're in love with her, and she feels the same, then take your time. Follow your heart. Before y'all talk to each other, take some real time to yourself to think about what you really want. Although y'all need to talk about this and sort it out, there wouldn't be a point if you just rush into it with no clear mindset on it. Take some real time for yourself, but not too much. I'm sure she needs the same thing right now," he said, and I nodded taking everything in.

He was right. Although I was anxious to sit down and talk with Lauren about everything, I couldn't rush it. So far, I'd been doing a good job of giving her the right amount of space. I've catered to her and made sure she was okay, and had everything she needed. I didn't want to add any unnecessary stress, so I didn't ask any extra questions. I allowed her to tell me what she was comfortable with telling me.

"This is crazy, Greg," I said and he looked at me. "I've only met her family once, and she hasn't even met mine yet. Hell, they barely even know anything about her, but that's because I wasn't ready to share it with them." I added. "And not to mention I'm sure her parents are still a bit skeptical of our relationship, considering the timeline with her and the radio guy, and I just randomly popped back up." I continued. "I'm pretty sure her parents won't be pleased to know I got their daughter pregnant a month into us getting back together." I vented as I let out a sigh.

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