Twenty-Seven: Stop The Music

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"This shit is unbelievable," Ashlyn said as she looked at the cover. I was now pacing back and forth as I silently panicked. "It says turn to page 6 for more exclusive details," she added causing me to stop in my tracks.

"What the hell kind of details could they possibly have?" I asked myself as I walked over and sat down next to Ashlyn as she flipped to the page. We were silent for a moment as we read the page.

Sources close to the incident reported that alleged call girl spent several days and nights in Jackson's hotel room. Sources also disclosed that call girl was questioned, and confronted about her stay at New York hotel. Call girl was said to have been rude to the hotel staff following confrontation.

"Who the hell is this source? Do you think it could be some security or anyone apart of his team?" Ashlyn asked as she looked at me.

I thought to myself wondering who the hell could have wrote these things and lied. My mind instantly went to Frank, Michael's manager before he got fired, but then something clicked.

"That bitch," I said as I felt myself getting angry. "That fucking bitch," I said as I began breathing heavily. I slightly scooted up on the edge of the couch as I clutched my fist.

"Lauren, who are you talking about?" Ashlyn asked me as she rubbed my arm trying to calm me down.

"That bitch from the hotel in New York. She worked at the front desk." I told her. "One day she stopped me before I could head upstairs. She asked me what room I was in, and who I was staying with, since there wasn't any record of me checking in," I added. "I didn't give her the answer she was looking for and went on my way. Now I guess the bitch is mad," I said as I felt myself calming down.

I was very much still angry. I was fuming. But I was able to calm my breathing down.

Ashlyn simply shook her head as she frowned at what I told her. "That shit is crazy. I'll pay that bitch a visit when we get back to the city," she said. I knew she was pissed. Probably more pissed than me, now that I had calmed down some. "You think Michael knows about this?" She asked.

I froze for a moment at the mention of Michael's name. I hadn't even thought about him since finding out. I wonder did he know by now. I wonder how he felt if he did know. I already knew this was enough to send the damn fans crazy.

"Come look at this," Mark said breaking me out of my thoughts.

I swallowed the lump in my throat as I made my way over to him. He was standing by the window, and he was looking down at something. I finally reached the window to see what I had already knew. His damn fans were out there. Mark opened the window, and I could hear them going crazy.

"Damn," he mumbled as he looked at the sight.

"Damn. The lynch mob already came to get you," Ashlyn snickered. Knowing she was trying to lighten the mood, that didn't stop me from narrowing my eyes at her. But I didn't respond.

I let out a frustrating sigh just as there was a knock on the door. Ashlyn went to get it, and I felt my damn heart sink into my stomach when my parents came into the room. Judging by the look on their faces, they definitely knew.

"Are you alright?" My mom asked me with a look of concern on her face. My father had that same look as well. I didn't say anything, I just simply nodded.

"How did you find out?" I asked them.

"We saw the magazine. We were out doing a little sightseeing, and the twins pointed it out." My mother explained. I just sighed not having anything to say.

"They called our daughter a damn call girl," my father spoke up. There was so much anger in his voice. It actually scared the shit out of me. My father rarely got angry. So whenever he was upset, he was really upset. "Painting her out to be some whore all over this fucking magazine," he added.

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