Thirty-Seven: How Convenient

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I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed. My mind was immediately consumed with the sweet thoughts of last night. Just thinking of the pure intimacy shared between us sent chills throughout my entire body, and caused my lips to curl into a smile. I wanted nothing more than to make him feel good last night, feel special. It's safe to say that I succeeded.

I tried to stretch my arms as I groaned, but stopped once I realized I couldn't really move. That's when I noticed Michael was holding me in his arms. We were no longer facing each other, with my back now pressed against his chest. Still securely wrapped inside his warm embrace, I allowed myself to snuggle into him. I let out a relieving sigh as I closed my eyes, attempting to go back to sleep.

"You weren't planning on leaving me were you," he spoke lowly causing my eyes to open. "After everything last night, and you're plotting your escape." He spoke in such a low, husky tone. It's no secret how obsessed I am with his voice, but his morning voice is different.

"I was only stretching. Well trying to," I explained giggling lightly. "And if I was gonna escape, where would I go?" I asked. "We're in the middle of nowhere. Not to mention how huge this place is. I wouldn't get that far." I joked.

"Nope. You're right where you belong," he said as he tightened his embrace.

I blushed as I smiled to myself, loving the feeling of security. The way his arms were snaked around my body gave me so much warmth and comfort. But all good things must come to an end. Before I could fully settle into his love, I felt the urge to throw up.

"Michael-" I struggled to get out as I forcefully removed his arms from my body. I quickly got out of the bed, and headed straight for the bathroom. I wasted no time getting on my knees, as I lifted the toilet seat. It wasn't long until the only sounds that could be heard were me projectile vomiting my guts out. Thankfully, I didn't have to worry about my hair since it was tied up. I felt a huge, warm hand gently caressing my back.

I groaned as I let out a groan. The feeling of his touch was enough to send ease through my body. "Love, you alright?" You feeling better?"

I gripped the edge of the toilet as I continued to catch my breath before responding. I couldn't get anything out verbally, so I just nodded my head in response. Still a bit shaky, I managed to flush the toilet before Michael helped me up.

He helped me over to the sink so that I could brush my teeth. Once we reached the counter, I took my time grabbing my toothbrush and toothpaste.

Making sure I kept my balance, Michael placed both hands on each side of me, slightly gripping the edge of the counter, as he stood behind me. He helped me out of the bathroom once I was finished.

"I can cancel today if you want," he suggested enthusiastically.

I immediately bit my tongue before responding. I have to admit that it doesn't sound like a terrible idea. It's no secret that I'm not too happy about today. I'm freaking out internally. I've been freaking out since yesterday. Especially when Joseph looked at me like I was the scum of the fucking Earth. Maybe I'm overreacting. Maybe that's just his look. No, maybe not, I know what I saw. I mean, it's not like he was known for his amazing personality, or his charming looks.

"Lauren," he said breaking me out of my thoughts.

"I'm sorry baby. No, please don't cancel. That's too much trouble. Both of our families will be here. It wouldn't be right to just cancel the day of." I tried to reason.

"You sure?" He asked as if he was hoping for me to give him a different answer.

I giggled at his reaction before responding. "Yes, I'm sure. Positive! I just need to rest a bit."

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