Forty-Two: Enjoying the View

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Two Months Later - April 1989

After everything that happened 3 months ago, we were finally in a much better place. Things have been great between Michael and I, and everything has been moving smoothly much to our satisfaction. Even the press has eased up on us, surprisingly. There aren't as many negative things being published about us. Especially me. I wish I could say the same about the British Tabloids who went on to post any and every nasty thing they possibly could about Michael.

This is something that's been going on for years, and it seems they just get nastier and nastier by the minute. They just won't leave him alone, whether it's about his appearance or some crazy rumor. They won't hesitate to publish it, and people immediately eat it all up.

We decided to go under the radar after everything that happened with Jam and that interview. People were coming from all over trying to get in contact with Michael's team. Everyone wanted the scoop. A different person a different day wanted desperately to be the first to break the exclusive story. While Jam may have dropped a bombshell on everyone by mentioning the pregnancy, it didn't do the damage he had hoped it would.

And speaking of Jam, after talking about our conversation with Michael, he met up with his legal team. It didn't take much time for them to draw everything up for the lawsuit. We were suing him for defamation as planned, and Michael even went as far as having him blackballed. No network would ever give him the time of day. People even stopped reaching out to him for interviews. They began doing that shortly after the first interview because he didn't have anything else juicy to give them. He was lucky enough to even go back to his old radio show.

Michael decided to take me on a beautiful vacation so we could get away from everything and everyone for a while. We've been gone for two months. We were currently in Paris, France. We had a beautiful penthouse with a magnificent view of the Eiffel Tower. I was now six months into my pregnancy, and knew I wouldn't be able to travel after a while, so I was taking full advantage of this.

I knew once this was all over, and we headed back to the States, we would be swamped with things to do. Given that we haven't confirmed or denied anything surrounding the pregnancy, we decided that we would sit down with a journalist for Jet magazine, to give them the full exclusive. We would also be doing a photo shoot for our spread and magazine cover so we had to meet with stylists.

Since I was obviously showing, I had been skeptical of what I would be wearing. I didn't wanna go conservative and cover up. I still wanted to be sexy and show some skin. I had a few ideas in mind for what I wanted to wear, but I wouldn't be confident until I actually brought my ideas to the stylist. I knew a lot of platforms would be upset that we were only directly breaking the news through Jet, but what better way to do an official statement, than to do it with one of the top black magazines out right now?

"How are you feeling?" He asked breaking me out of my thoughts.

"I feel fine," I grinned giving him a small smile. I adjusted myself in the lounge chair making myself more comfortable. Michael took a seat in the lounge chair next to me, sitting on the side of it.

I looked him over, taking in how good he looked. He had his dark shades on, and was dressed down wearing a plain white t-shirt with a chain, and a pair of black Levi jeans. His hair was pulled back into a bun, leaving a few strands dangling in the back, and in front of his forehead. I watched as he looked around, taking in the beautiful scenery, before he focused his attention on me.

"What?" He asked chuckling as he bit his lip.

"Nothing," I smirked. "Just enjoying the view."

"You're looking at the wrong view," he joked.

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