One: Lucky Day

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March 6, 1988

"My song!" I squealed while listening to the radio. I stopped dancing just as the song came to an end.

"That was Michael Jackson's, The Way You Make Me Feel, from his hit album, Bad." The radio host said once the song came to an end.

The album has been out since last year, and I was obsessed. Off The Wall and Thriller were perfect albums to me, and I love them as well. But Bad was something different. His voice on this album is one of the sexiest things I've ever heard.

"He'll be performing his third, and final show tonight, here at Madison Square Garden to another sold out crowd." He informed us listeners, causing me to suck my teeth.

I couldn't stop the frown that quickly formed on my face. To say that I was pissed would be a real understatement. I was literally fuming on the inside. Leave it to me to miss out on my chance at seeing The Michael Jackson perform live.


I had to be one of the unluckiest people in the world. Or one of the most dramatic people, being that I've seen him in concert before. But this time was different, being that this was his first solo tour.

I was so wrapped up in my thoughts, I forgot the radio was still on. It wasn't until I noticed the string of commercials that had been broadcasting, and I went to turn the radio off. But just as I was about to hit the button, I stopped abruptly when the host came back on. It was like something immediately clicked, halting me from turning the radio off.

"This is your favorite radio host with the most, Jam the Man. And I'm here with a special offer for one of you cool people out there," he said. I stood completely still, as I listened, anticipating what he had to say. "I know there's someone out there that wasn't able to secure a ticket to the concert," he said in a sympathetic tone.

I scoffed, "Yeah, me!"

I literally had one job, and I failed. Being very much capable of getting a damn ticket, I was too caught up on the fact that I would be going alone. Every time I'd seen The Jacksons in concert, I was never alone. Whether my parents took me and my siblings, or it was just Ashlyn and myself.

But that was then, and it still wasn't enough to justify not getting a ticket. All because I didn't want to go alone at my grown ass age of 24. My best friend, Ashlyn had to work tonight, so that was enough for me to just write the concert off.

And thanks to my actions, I sit here, ticketless. There goes my chances of Michael seeing me and pulling me out of the crowd. A girl can dream, right? It wasn't too far fetched, especially considering I refused to get anything less than a spot close to the stage.

Looking myself over in the mirror, I moped as I stared at my outfit, thinking about what I could've worn to the concert, if I was going.

"I know there's some lonely, sad girl out there wishing they could be under the same roof as Michael Jackson. But that's why I'm here to make that change. Get it?" The DJ chuckled.

I rolled my eyes. "He is so corny," I said shaking my head.

"Wipe those tears away and get the wax out of your ears. Jam the Man is here to ease your fears. Here in the studio with me, is a ticket to his final show tonight at Madison Square Garden. Along with an exclusive Backstage pass to meet the Man, himself."

I quickly perked up at the sound of that. This was my chance, my moment, and I couldn't fuck that up again. A ticket and a backstage pass!? There was no way I would let myself live this down if I blew it. And Ashlyn wouldn't either.

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