Eleven: Guilty Conscience

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I was so caught up in the kiss, that I didn't realize what was really going on. I finally snapped out of it pushing him away, breaking the kiss. He looked at me with intensity in his eyes as he gently brushed his thumb over his bottom lip. I kept a straight face as I stared at him.

"I didn't come here for that," I said breaking the silence. "I'm here because we need to talk," I continued.

He didn't say anything. He stared at me with those beautiful eyes. I immediately felt like shit. I cheated on Jam. I can't believe it. I fucking cheated on him. It wasn't even my intention for this to happen. I just wanted to talk and finally get some answers. There's no way in hell I could tell Jam about this. But I also shouldn't keep this a secret.

"Okay, let's talk," Michael said softly. He gestured to the couch, offering me a seat. I nodded as I made my way over and sat down. He was right behind me as he sat down as well. "Would you like something to eat or drink? I could order us something," he suggested. I simply shook my head before thanking him for the offer.

He didn't respond, he just nodded his head as silence consumed us. We looked at each other as we sat in silence. Seeing that he wasn't gonna say anything, I decided to just speak up.

"Well, for starters, I have no idea what I did to you," I started. "Also, I don't appreciate being sent back home out of nowhere without you having the damn decency to say it to my face, instead of sending Frank to do your dirty work," I continued. "And finally, I definitely don't appreciate not seeing or hearing from you for six fucking months. Then you have the audacity to just show up randomly at my place, blame me for something, then be possessive over me to my boyfriend. What kind of shit is that, huh?" I ranted. I was ready to let him have it. It had been a long six months, and it was time to finally release all of this.

I looked at him waiting for him to speak. He continued to sit there in silence. I scoffed as I shook my head briefly looking away from him.

"I thought you used me," he said speaking up. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow as he continued to look down. "That's what Frank told me. That you said you got what you wanted, and you were ready to leave so you left," he explained.

I scrunched my face up not believing what I was hearing. What the fuck kind of shit is that? That is most definitely not what happened that night. It was the complete opposite. "What?" Was all I managed to get out. He finally looked up at me and we locked eyes.

"I didn't wanna believe it, but you were really gone. I was confused. Especially since we talked about our plans for after the show." He said. "I was so sad once I found out. I wanted to hate you, but I also wanted to believe that there was no way it was true." He continued. "I wanted to find you and talk to you so bad, but didn't know how to find you," he explained.

"You know where I live," I spoke up.

"Yeah, but I couldn't get the courage to face you. I was afraid that it would all be true, and I couldn't handle that. So I stayed away," he said. "Not to mention I was still touring, so it was easier for me to just run away and hide behind something," he explained. "But I never stopped thinking about you. I always kept tabs on you when I could. That's how I knew about your growing career," he said, which made sense that he was able to "request" me. "I even knew about your little boyfriend," he revealed and I looked at him with wide eyes.

"So what, you're a part time stalker?" I asked jokingly and both of us laughed lightly. "I'm kidding," I added.

"I wouldn't say stalker," he said laughing as he smirked. "Anyway, I do owe you an apology for staying distant when I could have made a move and put an end to all this," he added. "I'm not really good with this kind of stuff."

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