Forty-Seven: Rolling With The Punches

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One Week Later  - May 1989

"What the hell do you mean you're getting married?" My mother snapped as she looked at me with a frown on her face.

"Well that's usually what comes after the engagement part," I retorted sarcastically.

"Girl." My mama shot back before pausing. "Don't get smart with me, Lauren! Your ass ain't too old to be put on punishment. You know what the hell I meant." She added while shooting daggers my way. "Getting married when the timing is right, and everything is properly planned is one thing. But deciding to just marry on a random day a week from now, is totally different and you know it." She stressed.

"Well, the plan was to actually get married last week when we made the decision to just do it. But we wanted to be courteous and have y'all here." I mumbled. "So much for trying to be considerate," I said in a snarky tone.

"Don't play with me, Lauren." My mother snapped. "You skating on thin ice, girl."

My mother was clearly not in a joking mood. Her facial expression was priceless. She was beyond livid, hell she was fuming. All she needed was smoke shooting out of her ears, and a bright red face.

"Ma," I sighed. "I thought y'all would be happy that we were getting married." I added. "Yes, it's quick, but it's what we want." I defended. "Besides, we thought it would be something good for everyone considering the baby will be here soon. I know that's something Miss Katherine would love." I smiled enthusiastically as I looked in her direction.

My smile fell when I noticed she wasn't moved by my statement. It didn't help that my mother decided to chime in.

"Don't try to use that on us. That doesn't change how sudden this is." She said and I sighed in annoyance.

"Besides, y'all weren't thinking about marriage when y'all were carelessly committing acts that lead to babies before marriage," Miss Katherine spoke up before taking a sip of her lemonade.

"Exactly." My mother agreed.

I looked back and forth between them in disbelief at their attitudes towards this. I was regretting even telling them about the marriage.

"It's good to know that y'all are in cahoots about this," I scoffed.

"Well Lauren, what did you expect? I'm sorry that you're not receiving the response from us that you would like, but you need to be a bit more realistic about this." My mother said. "It's just too sudden."

"I agree." Miss Katherine chimed in.

"I don't think it's a bad idea," Janet spoke up before Miss Katherine could continue to speak.

I sighed, internally thankful for Janet speaking up. I honestly didn't know how much longer I could take the heat from both my mother and Miss Katherine.

"They love each other, they're happy. And it seems they know what they want. So why be against that?" Janet asked as she looked at the both of them.

"No surprise you agree, Dunk." Miss Katherine said as she narrowed her eyes in her direction. "Not only did you run off to get married, and have an annulment within a year, you are now on your second engagement. Both of which, you've done a great job at keeping secrets." She said raising her eyebrow.

I gasped before slowly looking over at Janet whose expression was priceless.

"Far as I know, you're probably already married and keeping it to yourself." She instigated.

"Mother, that's not fair-" Janet started.

"I think that we should focus on Michael and Lauren," Rebbie said not allowing Janet to continue. I knew she was trying to diffuse the situation before things got too heated. "They brought us here to show them support, and we need to do just that."

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