Thirty-Four: The Right Way

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"Oh my God! Look at my little niece or nephew," Ashlyn cooed as she looked at her copy of the sonogram.

I smiled as I watched her gush as she looked at it.

"Thank God your mom did what she was supposed to do and brought me my copy. Otherwise, I would've had to kill her," she joked as she playfully sniffled. I playfully scoffed and rolled my eyes. She's so damn dramatic. "After you're born of course." She added causing me to laugh and shake my head.

"I can't with you. Your ass is so damn dramatic," I said while laughing.

"Dramatic or not, you knew I wasn't playing about my copy," she replied with a smirk on her face. "By the way, I'll be expecting one from every appointment. All the way up until the birth," she said as she looked at me.

Bossy ass.

"Yes ma'am," I said sarcastically, causing her to narrow her eyes at me. "What?" I asked as I laughed at the look she was giving me.

"You're joking, and I'm serious Ren," she chuckled. "It's important that I document every moment of my niece or nephew's life. I don't wanna miss anything," She said, giving me a serious look.

"I guess you got a point. It is important to document everything. Especially when it's your godchild," I said as I looked at her with a smirk on my face.

She doesn't immediately respond, but her eyes widen and she immediately looked at me once she realized what I said.

"Really?" She asked shocked. "You really want me to be the God mom?" She asked.

Is she serious right now?

"Duh, bitch," I replied as I laughed, causing her to laugh as well. "You're my best friend, more like my sister. Why are you shocked?" I asked her. "Who else would it be?"

"You're right." She replied. "I don't even know why I asked. Or why I'm shocked," she added.

"Because you're crazy as hell. That's why." We laughed together before our laughter died down.

"Overall, how was the appointment?" She asked.

"It went really good," I replied with a big smile.

I began telling her everything about the appointment. And she laughed when I told her about the disguise.

"I wish I could've seen it," she laughed. "I can't believe you didn't get a picture," she added.

"I know." I whined. "Getting a damn picture didn't even cross my mind," I playfully pouted. "I'll be sure to get one next time," I smirked. "Not to mention, I didn't have my camera with me."

"I'm surprised. You take that thing everywhere."

"True." I replied while laughing. My laughter died down, and I began to frown. "Can I ask you something?" I asked her.

"Sure, what's up?" She replied.

"Do you think this is too much?" I asked her.

"What do you mean?"

"Like, is all of this happening too fast?"

She furrowed her eyebrows together as she looked at me. "Are you talking about you and Michael?"

I nodded my head. "Me and Michael, the baby, the press, everyone knowing who I am. Just everything."

"Lauren, where is this coming from?" She asked me.

I began telling her about the conversation that Michael and I had the other day. I told her about his doubts and fears, and the fact that he regrets it all. I also mentioned how he carries this with him, feeling like this is all his fault, when it really isn't. We're both the victim of somebody else's malicious bullshit.

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