Epilogue: For All Time

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***Just a brief disclaimer, if you don't know or remember the face claim, Chilli from TLC is Lauren. I didn't want there to be any confusion due to the use of the silhouette shot from TWYMMF. I know it's Tatiana, but the shot itself fit the theme imo. Don't forget Tatiana is the enemy lmao. If you remember, they shared a certain relationship which was revealed in past chapters. So if need be, please revisit previous chapters. Especially if you're a new reader just jumping in.

Also, this chapter, and this chapter only is written in third person. I didn't want anyone to get all the way here, and be confused. Every other chapter is written in first person. I just felt the final chapter wouldn't be properly written if it wasn't in third person. Plus, that would've been too much switching POVs 🥵

Alright, that's all. Enjoy!

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Almost 3 Years Later - March 13, 1992

Time truly flies. That's how it felt in the crazy household of Michael and Lauren, and their beautiful family.

With Sparrow and Nova four months shy of their third birthday, they wasted no time giving their parents a true run for their money. Keeping them on their toes day in and day out.

The twins were nonstop, active toddlers. Lauren swore they got that from their father, who did his part in activating that spark that was living inside them.

"Row, Row," Nova spoke as she ran after Sparrow. That was her nickname for her twin brother who was older than her by an hour and five minutes.

True products of sharing the womb, Nova and Sparrow were joined at the hip. Where one went, the other wasn't too far behind. Lauren thought it was the cutest thing, especially when they trailed behind their father, mimicking his every move.

"Row," she called out again.

Lauren and Michael left everyone impressed with how well their babies spoke at just two years old. While they showered their babies in love and affection, they refused to use baby talk. That rule applied to everyone. But that didn't stop them from receiving coos from their grandparents, aunts, uncles, and beloved God mother.

"Come, No," Sparrow replied to his sister. "Row Row and No No," were what they called each other. Two going on three years old, and already have set nicknames for one another.

"Nova," Shanice, Lauren's mother called, catching the twins' attention. "Time to get dressed." She said as she reached her hand out for Nova to grab. Nova immediately latched her hand in her grandmother's. "And Sparrow, come on. The last thing we need is you messing up that suit." She repeated the same action, sticking her other hand out. Sparrow placed his hand in hers.

Before they could exit the room, the door to the bathroom opened, catching Shanice's attention.

"Mommy," the twins squealed simultaneously.

"My babies," Lauren beamed as she eyed them.

"I was about to take them so that I can dress Nova, and you could finish getting ready. I was gonna come back to check on you." Shanice informed.

Lauren nodded and sighed, before responding. "Okay."

"Is everything alright?" She asked her daughter, taking in the puzzled look that was on her face.

"I'm fine. Just nervous. It's not everyday something like this happens." She responded as she chuckled.

"Well, it is your wedding day, sweetheart. It's okay to be nervous," Shanice said as she flashed a smile. Lauren didn't respond, she just gave her mother a soft smile in return. "Camille. Christian," Shanice yelled.

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